Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



VIDEO: Justin Tomlinson Highlights The Importance Of Financial Education

VIDEO: Justin Tomlinson Highlights The Importance Of Financial Education

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has welcomed the continued success of financial education on the curriculum during a debate in Parliament.The comments came during the Second Reading of the Financial Guidance & Small Claims, a Government Bill which will improve access to support for people in need of debt advice, improve financial education, and provide breathing space to people in debt.Justin led a hard-fought campaign in Parliament, fending off more than 100 other subjects to be added to ...

Swindon Advertiser Column: The Government Is Committed To Fixing The Broken Housing Market

Swindon Advertiser Column: The Government Is Committed To Fixing The Broken Housing Market

Last week the government made two positive housing announcements. The first was that more than 350,000 people had benefited from its Help to Buy Scheme, and the second was the launch of Homes England – which aims to unlock land and build houses where they are needed most.Building more homes is the key to fixing many of the problems with the housing market, and the Government is building new homes at record levels, with 217,350 “additional dwellings” built in England last year.However, more can b...

North Swindon MP Welcomes Latest Statistics Showing Thousands Benefitting From Help To Buy Scheme

North Swindon MP Welcomes Latest Statistics Showing Thousands Benefitting From Help To Buy Scheme

North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson, has welcomed the news that over 350,000 people have benefitted from support to buy their own home through Help to Buy.The latest statistics show that 350,000 people have used the Help to Buy Scheme to help them buy their first home, including more than 1,000 people in Swindon.The Help to Buy ISA also continues to be incredibly popular, with 1.1m being opened and offering government bonuses of up to £3,000.More than 140,000 completions have now taken place thro...

VIDEO: Local MP Praises Swindon Based UK Space Agency As Government Proposes New Legislation

VIDEO: Local MP Praises Swindon Based UK Space Agency As Government Proposes New Legislation

Local MP Justin Tomlinson has praised staff at the Swindon-based UK Space Agency during a speech in Parliament.Speaking in a debate on the Space Industry Bill - which he described as an ‘interstellar element of our modern industrial strategy’ - Justin spoke of his recent visit to the Swindon based head office, saying: “I was struck by how passionate they were, from the chief executive right down to the apprentices, who had fought for that unique, truly exciting and inspirational opportunity that...

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes The Government’s 25 Year Plan To Improve The Environment

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes The Government’s 25 Year Plan To Improve The Environment

The Government’s pledge to eliminate avoidable waste, improve safeguards for wildlife and connect more children to nature has received the support of North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson.On Thursday, the Prime Minister Theresa May unveiled the Government’s 25 year plan to improve the environment. The plan aims to improve the environment over a generation through a combination of creating richer habitats for wildlife, improving air and water quality and curbing the scourge of plastic in the world’s...

Justin Meets With Nova Hreod Students To Discuss Global Education Campaign

Justin Meets With Nova Hreod Students To Discuss Global Education Campaign

Justin Tomlinson MP has visited pupils at Nova Hreod to discuss the important "100 Million Campaign" which calls for a world where all young people are free, safe and educated.The visit was part of the Back to School initiative where students prepared and delivered a brilliantly informed presentation on the importance of global education and the challenges facing every country which sees this as a top priority.Justin, who has chaired the All Party Parliamentary Group for Global Education and hos...

VIDEO: North Swindon MP Praised By Cross-Party MPs For His Work On Disability Confident Campaign

VIDEO: North Swindon MP Praised By Cross-Party MPs For His Work On Disability Confident Campaign

Justin Tomlinson, the Conservative MP for North Swindon, was praised by cross-party MPs for his contribution to the Disability Confident campaign, especially during his time as the Minister for Disabled People.In a speech in Westminster Hall on Wednesday, Justin praised the commitment of local businesses and organisations in Swindon who worked with him to employ more people with disabilities.Disability Confident helps employers draw from the widest possible pool of talent, secure high quality st...

Justin Welcomes News Income Inequality At Its Lowest Level For 30 Years

Justin Welcomes News Income Inequality At Its Lowest Level For 30 Years

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has welcomed news that Income Inequality is at the lowest for 30 years.Between 2008/09 and 2009/10, under the last Labour Government, inequality reached its highest level since records began in 1961. Since then, according to the latest figures from the Office of National Statistics, inequality has gradually fallen.In 2015/16 the Gini Coefficient, the internationally recognised measure of inequality, for equivalised disposable income was 31.6 – its lowest level s...

Local MP Celebrates Ban On Plastic Microbeads Coming Into Force

Local MP Celebrates Ban On Plastic Microbeads Coming Into Force

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has welcomed the news that the ban on plastic microbeads has come in to effect today, marking a landmark step in the introduction of one of the world’s toughest bans on these harmful pieces of plastic.The ban will see manufacturers of cosmetics and personal care products no longer be able to add tiny pieces of plastic known as ‘microbeads’ – which can cause serious harm to marine life.The ban has been heralded by campaigners as one of the toughest in the world, ...

Justin Welcomes News SMEs Will Get Increased Access To Government Contracts

Justin Welcomes News SMEs Will Get Increased Access To Government Contracts

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has welcomed the news that small and medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) will now find it easier to bid for up to £12bn worth of Government contracts.The Government Legal Department has spent the last year simplifying and condensing 50,000 words of the existing Crown Commercial Service (CCS) contract terms into a new slimline Public Sector Contract.The finished document promises a more user-friendly route to government work and a quicker, more streamlined way of wor...