Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



North Swindon MP Sees First-Hand Success Of UK Cinema Industry

North Swindon MP Sees First-Hand Success Of UK Cinema Industry

Local MP Justin Tomlinson has paid a visit to his local Empire cinema at Greenbridge to discuss a range of issues including accessibility and future investment.Currently, the UK cinema is thriving. 2014 saw the fourth consecutive year where the UK box office topped £1 billion, with almost 158 million individual visits to the cinema. With 77% of the UK population going to the cinema at least once each year, it has been deemed the country’s most popular cultural activity. And it has been a strong ...

Justin Congratulates Local Business On Apprenticeship Award Success

Justin Congratulates Local Business On Apprenticeship Award Success

Justin Tomlinson MP has visited Isys Group to congratulate the Swindon-based software developer on its recent win at the regional leg of the National Apprenticeship Awards, where the company was Medium Apprenticeship Employer of the YearIsys Group has run a successful apprenticeship scheme for a number of years that has seen multiple apprentices take on permanent work with the firm after completing the initial programme. Initially starting with the technical support department, the scheme has no...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 13th November

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 13th November

It was fireworks and dancing at the culturally vibrant Diwali celebrations at the Punjabi Community Centre last Saturday as 300 people turned out to mark the occasion. Diwali, also known as the ‘Festival of Light,’ is an ancient Hindu festival which is celebrated across the Indian communities here in the UK and across the world.The festival spiritually signifies the victory of light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance, good over evil, and hope over despair. It is marked by vivid sounds (fire...

North Swindon MP Delivers Keynote Speech To Samaritans' Great Ball

North Swindon MP Delivers Keynote Speech To Samaritans' Great Ball

Local MP Justin Tomlinson was the keynote speaker at the Great Ball fundraiser for the Swindon & District Samaritans.The Samaritans are available 24 hours a day to provide emotional support for people who are experiencing feelings of emotional distress or despair, including those which may lead to suicide. The charity listens by providing a phone service, e-mail, SMS and face to face as well as working across local communities to help vulnerable, higher risk individuals.In Swindon and across...

Justin Meets More Than 100 Representatives From The Butterfly Garden

Justin Meets More Than 100 Representatives From The Butterfly Garden

In his role as Minister for Disabled People, Justin Tomlinson MP met with over 100 representatives of The Butterfly Garden, Fairshares, Connect and other local community groups working with people with a range of disabilities.The Butterfly Garden is based in Cheltenham and aims to offer diverse, stimulating and purposeful opportunity to disabled people. They do this by delivering a service which offers education, recreation and therapy. This initially began through looking after the garden itsel...

North Swindon MP Talks To Macmillan About His Ministerial Role

North Swindon MP Talks To Macmillan About His Ministerial Role

In his role as Minister for Disabled People, Justin Tomlinson MP has taken part in a Q&A with Lynda Thomas, Chief Executive of Macmillan Cancer Support, on the financial cost of cancer.One of the many aspects of cancer that Macmillan looks to address is the concerns that people with cancer and their carers often face when it comes to financial worries. They do so through the Macmillan Support Line, face-to-face benefits advisors and financial guideline services. Through this provision they a...

Local MP Shows His Continued Support For Anthony Nolan

Local MP Shows His Continued Support For Anthony Nolan

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has met with Anthony Nolan, the blood cancer charity which manages the Anthony Nolan register of bone marrow donors, to show his continued support of the charity.Every day, Anthony Nolan use their register to match remarkable donors willing to donate their blood stem cells to people who desperately need potentially lifesaving transplants. They also deliver pioneering research that looks at making bone marrow transplants more effective.Justin first worked with th...

Justin & Robert Join Forces To Discuss Autism

Justin & Robert Join Forces To Discuss Autism

North Swindon MP and Minister for Disabled People Justin Tomlinson was the guest speaker at the National Autistic Society’s recent event alongside Robert Buckland MP.The National Autistic Society (NAS) is a British charity for people with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD), including autism and Asperger's Syndrome. The organisation is funded through UK Government grants and voluntary contributions with the aim to improve the lives of people with autism in the United Kingdom. Founded in 1962, the ...

Justin & Robert Share Success With Swindon College Students

Justin & Robert Share Success With Swindon College Students

Swindon MPs Justin Tomlinson and Robert Buckland joined forces to congratulate the graduates in the recent Swindon College Graduation Ceremony held at Holy Rood Church. The ceremony was a great opportunity to celebrate the success of students in the recent wave of students who have completed their courses.Swindon College is one of the largest Higher Education providers in Wiltshire, with courses ranging from Higher National Certificates, Diplomas and Foundation Degrees through to Honours Degrees...

Local MP Re-Iterates His Support For The Excellent Work Of Guide Dogs UK

Local MP Re-Iterates His Support For The Excellent Work Of Guide Dogs UK

Justin Tomlinson MP took on the challenge of cleaning up the streets when the charity Guide Dogs offered him the chance to learn more about the daily difficulties faced by people living with sight loss. Guide Dogs is calling for support for an end to irresponsible parking. According to the charity, badly parked cars are putting the lives of pedestrians up and down the country at risk every day. These vehicles are forcing people to step out into the road, without being able to clearly see on-com...