Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



Justin Visits New Soft Play Area At The Link Centre

Justin Visits New Soft Play Area At The Link Centre

Justin visited the Link Centre to test out its new soft play area. The new area is suitable for Children aged 10 years and under, with a dedicated area for babies and toddlers - including a range of sensory equipment. The multi-level soft play structure boasts a range of special features, such as slides, ball pools, and sensory lighting. Justin was joined on his visit by his daughter Margot, who gave the new play ares a thumbs up.

Justin Joins North Star Nursery For Afternoon Tea

Justin Joins North Star Nursery For Afternoon Tea

Justin joined staff and grandparents at North Star Nursery for a speical Grandparents Tea Party, and to celebrate the nursary's positive OFTED result. During the visit Justin joined the parents and children, and participated in some of the games - such a lego building. It was also an opporunity for Justin to speak with staff at the nursary and understand some of the issues affecting the childcare sector. Justin Tomlinson said: "It was a fantastic opportunity to visit and meet the team, e...

Swindon Advertiser Column - Important Update On Speedway Development

Swindon Advertiser Column - Important Update On Speedway Development

I have been personally involved in supporting Swindon Speedway since the initial campaign to block the closure in 2008. To save the stadium, it was agreed housing adjacent to the stadium could be built if the stadium remained open and ultimately modernised (new stand etc). At the time this was a huge relief and Swindon Speedway carried on with many years of success. As fans were nervous about the stadium owners intentions, it was agreed that the final phase of planned housing (where the stadi...

Health and Social Care Secretary Sets Out New Plan For Patients And Call On Public To Play A Part In National Endeavour

Health and Social Care Secretary Sets Out New Plan For Patients And Call On Public To Play A Part In National Endeavour

A new drive to improve access to general practice appointments will be the centrepiece of a new ‘Our plan for patients’ has been unveiled by the Health and Social Care Secretary and Deputy Prime Minister. As the first step in her efforts to put the NHS and social care on a resilient footing, Thérèse Coffey will set out her expectation that everyone who needs one should get an appointment at a GP practice within 2 weeks – and that the patients with the most urgent needs should be seen within the ...

Chancellor Announces New Growth Plan With Biggest Package Of Tax Cuts in Generations

Chancellor Announces New Growth Plan With Biggest Package Of Tax Cuts in Generations

- Chancellor unveils new growth plan, tackling energy costs to bring down inflation, backing business and helping households. - Corporation tax rise cancelled, keeping it at 19% as government sets sights on 2.5% trend rate of growth. - Basic rate of income tax cut to 19% in April 2023 – one year earlier than planned – with 31 million people getting on average £170 more per year. - Stamp Duty cuts will help people on all levels of the property market and lift 200,000 homebuyers every year out of ...

Swindon Advertiser Column - Plans To Cut Energy Bills For Businesses Of All Sizes Will Protect Jobs and Livelihoods

Swindon Advertiser Column - Plans To Cut Energy Bills For Businesses Of All Sizes Will Protect Jobs and Livelihoods

I am sure you were all as moved as we were to watch the spectacle of the nation paying its final respects to Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. It was a wonderful tribute, engaging so many people across the world. Parliament has now returned and following the end of the period of mourning, on Wednesday, I had the privilege of swearing allegiance to our new King in Parliament. The unprecedented rises in energy prices due to Putin’s illegal war in Ukraine, has impacted both consumers and busin...

Justin Welcomes Progress Of The Government’s New Rules For Terminal Illnesses

Justin Welcomes Progress Of The Government’s New Rules For Terminal Illnesses

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson joined other MPs to welcome the progress of the Government’s new rules for terminal illnesses. MPs passed the Government’s Social Security (Special Rules for End of Life) Bill. The Bill is a small but important one that will ensure that thousands more people at the end of their lives are able to access three key disability benefits faster. A typical application would take 16 weeks, but when fast-tracked can be just 3 to 4 days. Currently, the Department for Wo...

Justin Swears His Oath And Allegiance To King Charles III

Justin Swears His Oath And Allegiance To King Charles III

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has reaffirmed his alleigiance to King Charles III to mark the beginning of the new king's reign. Members of the House of Commons and the House of Lords take an oath of allegiance to the Crown, often called swearing in. MPs take the oath before taking their seats in Parliament after a general election or by-election. However, swearing in also happens after the death of the Monarch - meaning MPs had to take the oath again following the very sad death of Her Majes...

Swindon Advertiser Column - The Loss Of Queen Elizabeth II Will Be Felt By So Many

Swindon Advertiser Column - The Loss Of Queen Elizabeth II Will Be Felt By So Many

Shakespeare described the earlier Queen Elizabeth as a “pattern to all princes living,” and this week King Charles has suitably said the same of his late mother, Queen Elizabeth II. It has been a loss felt so personally by so many. She was a grandmother figure for the whole nation. A symbol of stability. A constant throughout so much of our lives. An infectious smile that had the ability to put anybody at ease. And a sharp wit & down to earth nature which made her so loved by millions. At ...

Queen Elizabeth II in Swindon

Queen Elizabeth II in Swindon

To commemorate our late Queen we are collating images and memories of the queen in Swindon. Here are some of the photos we have already found. Please do e-mail me to share your own photos or memories! Ian Cooke, from Haydon Wick got in touch to share the following picture of him meeting the Queen in 1971, when she came to open the Wyvern Theatre. He has also sent a picture of the photograph, signed by the Queen when she visited the school in 1997, and which is still proudly displayed in the scho...