Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



Local MP & Prime Minister Join Forces To Launch New Special Effect Games Room

Local MP & Prime Minister Join Forces To Launch New Special Effect Games Room

Local MP Justin Tomlinson has been made a Vice-President of the disability charity Special Effect, which aims to use advanced technology to adapt video games to enhance the quality of life for people with physical disabilities.Special Effect visit people to find out exactly what they want to play, and what they need to play it. They then match, modify or create equipment to lend to them, and give support so they can get the best out of it. Regardless of a person’s disability, there is never a si...

Justin Leads Calls For Superfast Fibre Broadband For North Swindon

Justin Leads Calls For Superfast Fibre Broadband For North Swindon

On Tuesday we saw a victory for local democracy as Swindon Borough Council’s planning committee listened to arguments put forward by myself, local councillors and members of the public, before deciding to throw out five of the masts put forward by UK Broadband as part of their unwanted plans to roll-out wireless super-fast broadband. As things currently stand, Swindon Borough Council has signed a deal with UKB Networks to provide superfast broadband for 20,000 homes which are currently without t...

North Swindon MP Calls On Local Residents To Clean For The Queen

North Swindon MP Calls On Local Residents To Clean For The Queen

North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson, has called on schools, businesses and community groups to help tidy up their local area ahead of HM The Queen’s 90th Birthday.“Clean for The Queen” brings together all the anti-litter organisations from the UK and aims to get people involved in Britain’s largest litter pick. Community groups including parish councils, residents’ associations, Girl guides and brownies and Scout and Cub troops are encouraged to organise their own litter pick or clean up in the c...

Meetings 2016

Meetings 2016

Meetings 2016 Here is a list of the formal events / meetings which I have attended in 2016 in my role as your MP. If you would like any information on any of these events / meetings please do not hesitate to contact me. For a full list of my Parliamentary speeches, written questions and votes please see: http://www.theyworkforyou.com/mp/justin_tomlinson/north_swindon (Updated: 21/12/16) 18/12/2016 – Bag Packing For MS Therapy Centre16/12/2016 – 100th Anniversary of the Scouts Event15/12/2016 – [...

Justin Calls On Planning Committee To Reject UKB's 4G Mast Applications

Justin Calls On Planning Committee To Reject UKB's 4G Mast Applications

I am completely opposed to the 4G scheme which is being brought forward by UK Broadband. I would like to see the contract cancelled and the money re-allocated to fibre.There are several reasons why this scheme is wrong and will undoubtedly fail; something which I have raised with Swindon Borough Council countless times over the past 9 months.However tonight is purely about rejecting the inappropriate locations of the 50ft masts. Should this scheme proceed; regardless of the will of residents, co...

Local MP Learns More About Amazing Medical Detection Dogs

Local MP Learns More About Amazing Medical Detection Dogs

As an animal lover I was delighted to be joined by some four-legged friends in Parliament this week. The occasion was a reception for the Medical Detection Dogs, a registered charity which uses dogs to detect human diseases including cancer and diabetes. The journey began in 2004 when a scientific investigation published in the British Medical Journal demonstrated the detection of bladder cancer using dogs to screen urine samples. The charity itself was then established in 2008 following this re...

North Swindon MP Marks World Cancer Day

North Swindon MP Marks World Cancer Day

North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson, has attended an event in Parliament to show his support for World Cancer Day today.Justin met with representatives from four of the UK’s leading cancer charities who are working together to unite the nation and help transform the lives of millions of people who are affected by cancer. Cancer Research UK, Breast Cancer Care, Anthony Nolan and the Movember Foundation are calling on people across [area] to show their support by wearing a Unity Band with pride.The...

Justin Welcomes Announcement That Swindon Will Lead The Way On Free Childcare Extension

Justin Welcomes Announcement That Swindon Will Lead The Way On Free Childcare Extension

Justin Tomlinson MP has welcomed the news that Swindon will lead the way in extending free childcare for 3 & 4 year olds from 15 hours a week to 30 hours, after it was announced the town will be one of the first in the country to roll out the programme.Childcare Minister Sam Gyimah has announced £13 million funding which will allow councils across the country to deliver 30 hours of free childcare for hardworking parents of three- and four-year-olds – a year ahead of schedule. The extra hours...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 29th January

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 29th January

Figures this week show that the Government is making great progress towards its commitment to deliver three million more apprenticeships by 2020 - with 268,000 already created since the General Election last year. Since 2010, there have been 4,970 people in North Swindon who have started an apprenticeship. This is fantastic news as more young people in North Swindon are getting the skills to get on in life and do well. Apprenticeships are a core part of our plan to provide economic security and ...

Justin Welcomes Latest Positive News On Apprenticeships In North Swindon

Justin Welcomes Latest Positive News On Apprenticeships In North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP has welcomed new figures showing 4,970 new apprenticeships have been started by people in North Swindon since 2010. This means more young people earning and learning, getting the skills they need for a successful and secure future, as they do locally at the Isys Group, a Swindon-based software developer who recently won at the regional leg of the National Apprenticeship Awards.This local growth in apprenticeships has been part of a wider increase, with 280,450 started in the ...