Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



Justin Celebrates Success As Government Announces Ban On Sale Of Ivory

Justin Celebrates Success As Government Announces Ban On Sale Of Ivory

Justin Tomlinson MP has welcomed the Government’s announcement that it is to proceed with a total ban the sale of ivory in the UK.The plans put the UK at the forefront of global efforts to address the drastic decline in the elephant population. The global demand for ivory poses a great threat to the world’s elephant population, with around 20,000 elephants slaughtered every year to satisfy the demand.Justin has actively campaigned to end the trade in ivory since his election to Parliament in 201...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 6th October

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 6th October

There was great surprise in 2015 when the Government announced that it had accepted bids for two new free schools in Swindon - The Deanery CE Academy in South Swindon, and The Great Western Academy in North Swindon.As North Swindon MP I had been working tirelessly with The Great Western Academy, both in Swindon and in Parliament, to secure funding and ensure that the project was successful.In January I was delighted to see the project reach the building stage as I broke ground on the site of the...

North Swindon MP Welcomes  Octopus For A Preemie Supporters To Community Office

North Swindon MP Welcomes Octopus For A Preemie Supporters To Community Office

Justin Tomlinson MP has met with a local group of residents who are supporting the charity Octopus for a Preemie UK.The charity sees groups of men & women get together to knit and crochet small octopuses for premature babies. The group chose an octopus as its symbol as the knitted tentacles resemble the umbilical cord which comforts & soothes the baby and therefore prevents them from pulling at hospital tubes and leads.Statistics show that each year in the UK 60,000 babies, roughly 1 in ...

Local MP Praises Prime Minister's Bold Programme Outlined In Conference Speech

Local MP Praises Prime Minister's Bold Programme Outlined In Conference Speech

Prime Minister Theresa May delivered a memorable speech as she closed the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester earlier today.The PM battled through a nasty cough to announce the Government’s key new policies.She reiterated her ambition to solve the broken housing market and promised to take personal charge of the Governments response and to reignite home ownership in Britain.In order to achieve this the PM announced the Government’s affordable housing budget will be increased by £2bn to m...

North Swindon MP Calls On Local Residents To Become Trustees Of SMASH

North Swindon MP Calls On Local Residents To Become Trustees Of SMASH

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson is urging local residents to come forward and become trustees of the charity SMASH.SMASH is a local Swindon charity which supports young people and children through two programmes: Swindon Youth Mentoring (ages 13-19) and Memory Makers (ages 9-12). They work to provide guidance for young people who may be struggling due to their individual circumstances. The mentors meet with the same young person once a week, typically for a year, to give support, encouragement...

Justin Celebrates Success Of NCS

Justin Celebrates Success Of NCS

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has rounded off another summer of support the National Citizen Service programme by presenting awards to young people at a celebration event at MECA.National Citizen Service is summer scheme for young people between the ages of 14 & 17, that offers lessons in developing essential life skills; working to encourage links between young people from all different backgrounds, and the communities they come from.Since 2011, nearly 300,000 young people have benefitt...

Justin To Host Drop In Session For Parents To Learn About Great Western Academy

Justin To Host Drop In Session For Parents To Learn About Great Western Academy

Justin Tomlinson MP is opening his community office up to parents tomorrow (Wednesday 4th October) to learn more about the Great Western Academy, as applications to attend the school open.The Academy, which is the new secondary school at Tadpole Farm, is due to open in September 2018. Swindon Borough Council is now accepting applications for those wishing to join the school in Year 7 who are currently in their final year of primary school.The event will be an opportunity for parents to ask furth...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 29th September

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 29th September

This week’s Labour conference proudly proclaimed, ‘We’re gonna borrow! That’s what WE do, we will borrow the money!’ They weren’t joking.Jeremy Corbyn’s speech alone contained £312bn worth of additional spending commitments. No easy feat after they themselves admitted if they came to power it would trigger a run on the pound and near market collapse.Let’s assume they could find a way to borrow this money. The debt interest alone would cost the same as: 81,000 nurses, 69,000 teachers and 66,000 p...

Local MP Hosts Walking For Health Group At Community Office

Local MP Hosts Walking For Health Group At Community Office

North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson opened the doors of his community office to Walking for Health, as it held training for its volunteers.Walking for Health aims to help people live a more active lifestyle through a network of health walk schemes. Bringing people together to enjoy exploring the beautiful countryside surrounding Swindon.Walking is believed to have many health benefits, such as reducing the risk of illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes and some types of cancer.The group of vol...

Swindon MPs Appeal Directly To AWP Board To Stop Sandalwood Court Place Of Safety Closure

Swindon MPs Appeal Directly To AWP Board To Stop Sandalwood Court Place Of Safety Closure

Swindon’s Members of Parliament, Justin Tomlinson & Robert Buckland, have appealed directly to members of Avon & Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership’s Board to scrap plans to close Sandalwood Court’s Place of Safety.The Place of Safety, which is a specialist suite within Sandalwood Court, offers a space for those with serious mental health conditions who pose a risk to themselves or others around them and are detained under Section 136 of the Mental Health Act. An individual who does pos...