Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



Justin Welcomes Chancellor's Ambitious Spring Statement

Justin Welcomes Chancellor's Ambitious Spring Statement

The Chancellor Philip Hammond set out the Government’s plan for a bright future for Britain at his Spring Statement last week.There was good news for the economy as the Office of Budget Responsibility announced that it was revising up its economic growth predictions and expects the economy to grow at 1.2 per cent this year, faster than Germany, accelerating to 1.4 per cent in 2020 and to 1.6 per cent in each of the final three years.Wage growth is also expected to grow faster than predicted in e...

Swindon Advertiser Column: This Is The Final Chance For Common Sense To Prevail

Swindon Advertiser Column: This Is The Final Chance For Common Sense To Prevail

It is unsurprising that trust in politicians is at a low point. Since the UK voted to Leave in 2016, there have been Members of Parliament from both sides of the debate who have frustrated, delayed and attempted to block Brexit.Remain MPs who have not accepted the decision have voted consistently against the progress of Brexit through Parliament; and on Tuesday evening, ERG Brexiteers voted against delivering a Brexit deal that would have seen us take back control of our laws, money & border...

North Swindon MP Opens Up Community Office To Wide Range Of Local Groups & Charities

North Swindon MP Opens Up Community Office To Wide Range Of Local Groups & Charities

It was a very busy month for North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson’s Community Office, with many groups taking the opportunity to use it as a venue for their activities.  Swindon Carers Centre put on a lively three-day film-making workshop to give young carers a break over the half term. The youngster worked with a professional documentary maker to produce their own short film about themselves.A coffee morning was organised by disability charity Enrych – which supports adults with disabilities to en...

Justin Meets With Survivors Of Domestic Abuse During Event With Swindon Women's Aid

Justin Meets With Survivors Of Domestic Abuse During Event With Swindon Women's Aid

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson listened to survivors of domestic abuse, as they spoke about their experiences at an International Women’s Day event.The women were speaking at a special breakfast hosted by Swindon Women’s Aid to celebrate International Women’s Day, a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.Joining Justin at the event were South Swindon MP Robert Buckland, Swindon and Wiltshire PCC Angus Macpherson, and high sheriff of Wiltshire...

North Swindon MP Learns More About Wildlife Trust Campaign To Increase Awareness Of Nature Among Young People

North Swindon MP Learns More About Wildlife Trust Campaign To Increase Awareness Of Nature Among Young People

Justin Tomlinson MP has met with young volunteers involved in the Our Bright Future programme in Parliament; and pledged his support for ensuring that more school time is spent learning in and about nature.Our Bright Future is an ambitious and innovative partnership led by The Wildlife Trusts and funded by the UK’s largest community funder. The National Lottery Community Fund. This £33 million programme funded by the National Lottery Community Fund is formed of 31 projects across the UK.Each pro...

Justin Visits Great Western Academy To Meet The School Parliament & Radio Club

Justin Visits Great Western Academy To Meet The School Parliament & Radio Club

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has visited The Great Western Academy to see how it has progressed since opening in September.The £21 million new school was announced in March 2015 after a long campaign by Justin and is set to open in the Tadpole Garden Village area of town next month.Justin actively lobbied Ministers to ensure that secondary school places in North Swindon kept pace with growing demand, and worked to ensure that this new state-of-the-art facility was built in a location where ...

Justin Tomlinson MP Praises Parish Council For Installing New Outdoor Gym Equipment In South Marston

Justin Tomlinson MP Praises Parish Council For Installing New Outdoor Gym Equipment In South Marston

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has joined Stratton Councillors and South Marston Parish Council to see new the outdoor gym equipment which has been installed.The equipment, which is located on the recreation ground, was installed thanks to the Parish Council securing funding from the National Lottery Community Fund.The gym will be available for all residents and provides a fun way to keep fit.Justin Tomlinson MP said: “I am very pleased that South Marston Parish Council were successful in sec...

Justin & Local Councillors Meet BT To Discuss Roll Out Of Superfast Broadband

Justin & Local Councillors Meet BT To Discuss Roll Out Of Superfast Broadband

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has pushed BT to continue the roll out of superfast broadband across Swindon.Justin, along with councillors from Stratton and local parish councillors Vinay Manro and Steve Heyes, recently met with BT Openreach to highlight the areas in Swindon which are unable to access superfast broadband.Thanks to the efforts of Justin, local councillors and groups such as Better Broadband for North Swindon, 97% of North Swindon now has access to superfast broadband – with wo...

North Swindon MP Unveils New Defibrillator In St. Andrews

North Swindon MP Unveils New Defibrillator In St. Andrews

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has joined St Andrews’ residents to unveil a new defibrillator.Located at The Jovial Monk, the new defibrillator had been secured thanks to the fantastic fundraising efforts of The Ridge Coffee Club. To raise the money the group held pub quizzes, table top sales, a Christmas Fair and cake stall, generating an impressive £2500.With a nursery school across the road, the group decided to raise a little extra in order to purchase a defibrillator with a paediatric se...

Swindon Advertiser Column: We Are At A Crucial Time In Our Nation's History

Swindon Advertiser Column: We Are At A Crucial Time In Our Nation's History

The majority of local residents who I speak to are well & truly fed-up of the ongoing debates on Brexit. They acknowledge it needs to be delivered; want it done so in an orderly & seamless way; and crucially, wish both sides of the debate would be willing to meet each other in the middle.Unfortunately, there are some (MPs included) who believe that Brexit should not happen and are willing to do everything possible to frustrate, delay & block the entire process. They won’t be happy un...