Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



Local MP Supports Increase In Funding To Improve Access To Homes For Elderly & Disabled People

Local MP Supports Increase In Funding To Improve Access To Homes For Elderly & Disabled People

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has welcomed a housing funding boost to make more homes accessible for elderly and disabled people.The Housing and Homelessness Minister Heather Wheeler announced this week that an extra £42 million of Government funding has been made available so more elderly & disabled residents will be able to make adaptations to their homes so that they can live independently and safely.The funding for local housing authorities can be used to make a range of adaptations ...

Justin Tomlinson MP Signs Holocaust Educational Trust Book Of Commitment

Justin Tomlinson MP Signs Holocaust Educational Trust Book Of Commitment

Justin Tomlinson MP has signed the Holocaust Educational Trust’s Book of Commitment, in doing so pledging his commitment to Holocaust Memorial Day and honouring those who were murdered during the Holocaust, as well as paying tribute to the extraordinary Holocaust survivors who work tirelessly to educate young people today.The Holocaust Educational Trust was founded in 1988 during the passage of the War Crimes Act. Our aim is to raise awareness and understanding in schools and amongst the wider p...

North Swindon MP Welcomes Highest Employment Rate Since Records Began

North Swindon MP Welcomes Highest Employment Rate Since Records Began

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has welcomed news that the employment rate in Britain is the highest since records began. Employment is currently 32.21million, up 102,000 in the last three months alone and up 3 million since 2010. In Swindon, over 9,000 more people are in work today than back in May 2010.The employment rate nationally is currently at 75.3%, the highest since records began in 1971, while the rate in Swindon is higher than this at 80.3%.Unemployment has fallen 160,000 over the l...

Justin Delighted By News That New Speedway Stadium On The Home Straight

Justin Delighted By News That New Speedway Stadium On The Home Straight

After over 15 months of delays, Stadia UK has announced the final phase of detailed planning for redevelopment of its Speedway and Greyhound Racing arena at Blunsdon.The reserve matters application now proposes the new stadium be developed on the site of the existing stadium, retaining the position of the existing race tracks.The change in location and orientation of the new arena from the initial plan has resulted from the redesign of the Abbeymeads scheme and serves to improve the integration ...

VIDEO: Justin Tomlinson Calls For Better Signposting To Support For People With Mental Health Conditions

VIDEO: Justin Tomlinson Calls For Better Signposting To Support For People With Mental Health Conditions

Justin Tomlinson MP has called for Ministers to build on the success of the Personal Independence Payments process to identify people with mental health condition and signpost them to specific tailored support.The former Minister for Disabled People, who led on PIP and other support for people with disabilities, noted the significant increase in the number of people receiving a higher rate of support following the move from DLA to PIP. PIP is a more dynamic benefit, which better identifies the s...

Justin Tomlinson MP Supports Campaign To Encourage More People To Get Their Hearing Screened

Justin Tomlinson MP Supports Campaign To Encourage More People To Get Their Hearing Screened

Local MP Justin Tomlinson attended a drop-in event in Westminster organised by Action on Hearing Loss to get his hearing screened as part of the charity’s “1,2,3” campaign to encourage more people to do the same.The former Minister for Disabled People is backing the campaign which encourages people to address their hearing loss by highlighting three simple steps: take an initial check on Action on Hearing Loss’ website, to see your GP, and lastly to get help with your hearing.Action on Hearing L...

VIDEO: Justin Tomlinson Praises Nationwide For Work To Support People With Cancer

VIDEO: Justin Tomlinson Praises Nationwide For Work To Support People With Cancer

North Swindon MP and former Minister for Disabled People, Justin Tomlinson, has praised the work of Swindon-based Nationwide for their work to provide financial support for people with disabilities and long-term health condiditions, including cancer.Justin's comments came during the Second Reading of the Financial Guidance & Small Claims, a Government Bill which will improve access to support for people in need of debt advice, improve financial education, and provide breathing space to peopl...

North Swindon MP Welcomes New Funding To Further Raise Education Standards

North Swindon MP Welcomes New Funding To Further Raise Education Standards

Plans to provide more support to underperforming schools and increase opportunities in areas most in need have been praised by North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson.On Friday, the newly appointed Secretary of State for Education Damian Hinds, announced a series of measures aimed at raising education standards and helping young people fulfil their potential.Over £45 million has been given to the Multi-Academy Trust Development and Improvement Fund, with £30million of this being targeted to around 300...

Local MP Backs Extension To Government Schemes Which Reduce Childcare Costs For Families

Local MP Backs Extension To Government Schemes Which Reduce Childcare Costs For Families

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has welcomed the news that the Government’s tax-free childcare roll out has now been extended to parents with children under 9 years old.The roll out started in April 2017, and helps working parents with up to £2,000 of support per child per year, or £4,000 for disabled children.The scheme has now been extended to cover parents whose youngest child is under 9 years old, and will be extended further next month to families with children under 12 years old – meanin...

Justin Welcomes Government Commitment To Tackle Loneliness & Social Isolation

Justin Welcomes Government Commitment To Tackle Loneliness & Social Isolation

(Photo: Justin’s 'Great Get Together' event for local residents last year, organised in memory of Jo Cox MP)North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has welcomed the Government’s plans to tackle loneliness and isolation.A number of measures will be implemented to tackle social isolation, following recommendations from the Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness.Research conducted by the Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness shows that: more than 9 million people always or often feel lonely, around 200,000 older peop...