Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



Justin Sets Out His Vision For An Active Solution To Childhood Obesity

Justin Sets Out His Vision For An Active Solution To Childhood Obesity

The World Cup, Wimbledon, The Ashes, The Olympic & Paralympic Games. We love sport in the UK.So how on earth are 77% of boys and 80% of girls in primary school not meeting the minimum national recommended level of activity? There is a serious disconnect between our love of sport, and children picking up the bat and ball.As an 80s child, fuelled by artificial colourings and flavourings (it wasn’t all good in those days!) it was a given that after school and throughout the holidays, we were ou...

Justin Meets With The School Library Association

Justin Meets With The School Library Association

North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson, has met with Alison Tarrant from the School Library Association to discuss a number of issues relating to school libraries.Based at Kembrey Park in Swindon, the School Library Association (SLA) is committed to supporting everyone involved with school libraries, promoting high quality reading and learning opportunities for all. The organisation provides advice and training for school librarians as well as advocating on behalf of libraries in school.During the m...

North Swindon MP Visits Aldi Distribution Centre

North Swindon MP Visits Aldi Distribution Centre

Justin Tomlinson MP has visited the Aldi Distribution Centre, based in Swindon on Scimitar Way, which employs hundreds of jobs locally.Justin went on a full tour of the site, the base for 82 stores across the region, seeing the busy warehouse that acts as the hub for all of the fresh food leaving daily on the hundreds of lorries which pass through the site to deliver to stores. The site's expansion was also discussed with plans for an extension to the warehouse and a £11.3 million total investme...

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes News School Funding Campaigners Finally Accept Budgets Are Rising

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes News School Funding Campaigners Finally Accept Budgets Are Rising

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has welcomed the news that campaigners from the “School Cuts” campaign have finally accepted that they were wrong to claim funding for schools in Swindon will fall.The group’s misleading claims to parents & pupils had suggested that the Government would not protect the schools budget in real terms in 2018-19 and 2019-20 - a claim independent think tanks including the Institute for Fiscal Studies were clear was wrong.However the group, backed by the National ...

Swindon Advertiser Column: This Challenge Is A Fun Way For Children To Keep Reading Over The Summer

Swindon Advertiser Column: This Challenge Is A Fun Way For Children To Keep Reading Over The Summer

I am delighted to once again be working with the National Reading Agency and our local libraries in Swindon on the Summer Reading Challenge - a fantastic initiative for which I host the official launch in Parliament each year.The challenge is a fun way for kids to keep up with their reading over the summer months with a focus on reading for pleasure.Research shows that during the summer holidays, children can lose some of the good gains made on reading and literacy, so to improve this, the chall...

Justin Meets With Local Royal College Of Nursing Representatives

Justin Meets With Local Royal College Of Nursing Representatives

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has met with Lynn Batson and Debs Brown, local representatives from the Royal College of Nursing (RCN), to receive an update on the organisation’s work and discuss the issues most important to nurses in the town.The meeting came shortly after the Government announcement of a new long-term funding settlement, which will see an annual increases of £20.5bn in real terms by 2023/24.The RCN Representatives highlighted the Training Nurse Associate course, one of the r...

North Swindon MP Visits Festival Of Medical Research

North Swindon MP Visits Festival Of Medical Research

Local MP Justin Tomlinson has supported the Medical Research Council’s Festival of Medical Research, which took place last Friday at the Outlet Village.The event provided a unique insight into some of the cutting-edge research being done by the Medical Research Council, including Genome Editing, which looks to delete genes that play a role in viral infections including HIV and Zika. The research is also supported by Cancer Research UK.Justin Tomlinson MP said: “I am glad to see that the Medical ...

Justin Meets With The Stroke Association To Discuss New National Stroke Plan

Justin Meets With The Stroke Association To Discuss New National Stroke Plan

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has met with the Stroke Association in Parliament to discuss the charity’s work locally and nationally.The Stroke Association are the largest charity for victims of strokes in the UK and through their campaigns such as FAST (Face, Arm, Speech and Time) are helping to educate people on the danger and commonality of strokes, as well as giving the people the knowledge to recognise the symptoms in a potentially life or death situation.Each year around 100,000 people...

VIDEO: Justin Tomlinson Calls For An Active Solution To Tackle Childhood Obesity

VIDEO: Justin Tomlinson Calls For An Active Solution To Tackle Childhood Obesity

North Swindon MP & Co-Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Sport, Justin Tomlinson, has called for more joined up thinking to tackle the issue of childhood obesity.Justin used Education Questions, and a Statement launching the Childhood Obesity Strategy in the House of Commons, to push for Ministers to focus on active solutions improve young people health rather than focusing on plans to ban advertising for a variety of junk foods. Top of Justin's list is greater access to school s...

Local MP Meets Barratt Homes To Discuss Their Work In Swindon

Local MP Meets Barratt Homes To Discuss Their Work In Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP has met with representatives of Barratt Homes at one of their latest developments which includes 74 new properties at Stratton Gate, just off Ermin Street in Upper Stratton.During the meeting, Justin took the opportunity to discuss developments across North Swindon with Barratt, in particular, Swindon’s success in meeting the Government’s target on the number of new homes being built. Justin hasn’t been shy in coming forward with resident’s concerns to developers, particularl...