Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



VIDEO: Justin Tomlinson Asking About Extending Apprenticeships

VIDEO: Justin Tomlinson Asking About Extending Apprenticeships

Justin Tomlinson MP has asked Business Ministers to consider extending the use of the annual Business Rates mailer to advertise the apprenticeship programme. Text of Justin's question, and the Minister's replyJustin Tomlinson: Having access to the next generation of skilled workers is vital for business confidence and growth. Will the Minister consider promoting the opportunities of our ambitious apprenticeship programme through the annual business rate mailer to increase Minister: Significant ...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 23rd June

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 23rd June

Last Friday I opened up my community office at the Orbital Shopping Park to host a ‘Great Get Together’. Inspired by our late colleague, Jo Cox, the event sought to bring people from across the town to celebrate the things that make us who we are. Over a cuppa, and a slice of cake (or two!) we talked about the things that bring us together as a community.That sense of coming together was also at the centre of the Queen’s Speech on Wednesday.Parliament is often a minefield of old traditions that ...

Local MP Welcomes Queen's Speech To Build A Stronger Britain

Local MP Welcomes Queen's Speech To Build A Stronger Britain

North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson has praised Her Majesty The Queen’s speech to Parliament on Wednesday. The Queen made the time honoured tradition of attending the state opening of Parliament and laying out the Government’s plans for the nation, in a speech before the House of Lords.Coming together was a crucial part of the Queen’s speech, which included important announcements on key policies from Brexit to infrastructure projects and increasing protections for people online.The speech also s...

Justin Reflects On The General Election

Justin Reflects On The General Election

Thank you to all of my fellow local residents who have once again put their faith in me to represent North Swindon.  I am very proud and humbled to have secured a record number of votes and the highest share of the vote in each and every part of the constituency. I will continue to do everything I can to champion our town and be a highly visible, accessible and hardworking local MP.Nationally it was a very disappointing result and whilst we secured (by a significant margin) the most votes and se...

North Swindon MP Invites Residents To Great Get Together

North Swindon MP Invites Residents To Great Get Together

Justin Tomlinson MP will be hosting an informal ‘Get Together’ on Friday 16 June from 3pm to 4pm.The Great Get Together is inspired by Jo Cox, who was killed on 16 June last year. Like many people across the country, Justin believes there is a groundswell of people who reject divisive politics and simply want to bring our communities together and celebrate all that unites us. Celebrating the life and work of Jo Cox is an incredible way of doing this.Remarking on Jo’s death in her New Year’s mess...

VIDEO: Justin Tomlinson MP Taking The Parliamentary Oath

VIDEO: Justin Tomlinson MP Taking The Parliamentary Oath

Justin Tomlinson has been officially sworn in as North Swindon's Member of Parliament for a third time at a ceremony in Parliament. Members of both the House of Commons and the House of Lords are required to take an oath of allegiance to the Crown before they take their seats in Parliament after a general election. This process is known as swearing in. Oaths of allegiance to the Crown are fairly common in British public life and are similar to those in other countries where a declaration of loya...

Justin Urges Fellow Local Residents To Support Swindon Carers Centre

Justin Urges Fellow Local Residents To Support Swindon Carers Centre

Newly re-elected MP Justin Tomlinson attended the annual “Walk a Mile in a Carer’s Shoes” event organised by Swindon Carers Centre at the weekend, helping to kick start 2017 Carers Week, which runs from the 12th-18th June.In Swindon there are over 21,000 carers and each year Carers' Week is an important time to raise awareness of caring, highlighting the challenges that carers face every day and recognising the contribution they make to families, as well as the local community here in Swindon.Ju...

Justin Tomlinson MP Breaks Records As He Is Re-Elected

Justin Tomlinson MP Breaks Records As He Is Re-Elected

North Swindon Constituency Election Result: General Election 2017 North Swindon Share of Vote Justin Tomlinson (Conservative) 29,431 53.6% Mark Dempsey (Labour) 21,096 38.4% Liz Webster (Liberal Democrat) 1,962 3.6% Steve Halden (UKIP) 1,564 2.8% Andy Bentley (Green) 858 1.6% Majority 8,335 15.2% Turnout 68.5% Justin Tomlinson MP said: “I am absolutely delighted to have been re-elected by my fellow local residents, achieving the h...

Vote Conservative To Invest In Our NHS

Vote Conservative To Invest In Our NHS

Our National Health Service is the essence of solidarity in our United Kingdom – our commitment to each other, between young and old, those who have and those who do not, and the healthy and the sick.The Conservative Party believes in the founding principles of the NHS. First, that the service should meet the needs of everyone, no matter who they are or where they live. Second, that care should be based on clinical need, not the ability to pay. Third, that care should be free at the point of use...

Vote Conservative To Invest In Our Schools

Vote Conservative To Invest In Our Schools

The greatest injustice in Britain today is that your life is still largely determined not by your efforts and talents but by where you come from, who your parents are and what schools you attend. This is wrong. We want to make Britain the world’s Great Meritocracy: a country where everyone has a fair chance to go as far as their talent and their hard work will allow, where advantage is based on merit not privilege. To succeed, we must redouble our efforts to ensure that everyone, no matter who t...