Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



Vote Conservative To Support Working Families

Vote Conservative To Support Working Families

We must first ensure that everyone is paid fairly for their work. It was a Conservative government that introduced the National Living Wage and as a result, people across the United Kingdom now receive a minimum of £7.50 an hour. A new Conservative government will continue to increase the National Living Wage to 60 per cent of median earnings by 2020 and then by the rate of median earnings, so that people who are on the lowest pay benefit from the same improvements in earnings as higher paid wor...

Vote Conservative For Dignity In Retirement

Vote Conservative For Dignity In Retirement

People are living longer. This is a good thing, but we should not ignore the consequences. As our society ages, the costs of caring for older generations – pensions, pensioner benefits, health and social care – rise; and these are borne by working people through their taxes. As the relative number of younger people is falling, those costs increase, not just in total, but also for individuals. So if we are to give older people the dignity we owe them and younger people the opportunities they dese...

Vote Conservative For A Good Brexit Deal

Vote Conservative For A Good Brexit Deal

Following the historic referendum on 23rd June 2016, the United Kingdom is leaving the European Union. Only the Conservative Party, under Theresa May’s strong and stable leadership, can negotiate the best possible deal for our country. In her Lancaster House Speech, the prime minister laid out the twelve principles she intends to follow in seeking a new deep and special partnership with the European Union. We have explained our approach in the White Paper on the United Kingdom’s Exit from, and a...

Vote Conservative For A Strong Economy

Vote Conservative For A Strong Economy

A strong economy is the basis for everything we want to achieve as a nation. If we are to have the prosperity, security and quality of life that Britain desires, we need to have an economy that is vibrant and robust. But our economy also needs to be equitable. For in Britain today, there is a division between those people and places that have benefited from a changed global market, where opportunity is displayed in affluence and a good quality of life; and those people and places that have exper...

Rosco Supports Justin's Re-Election Campaign

Rosco Supports Justin's Re-Election Campaign

(Alun Rossitor – Swindon Speedway) "Justin led the successful campaign to save our stadium.  I have always found him approachable and helpful in supporting and promoting our sport both locally and in Parliament. It is a pleasure to work with him and I know that he is doing all he can to push for the new stadium to be built as soon as possible."

Draycott Sports Camp Head Supports Justin

Draycott Sports Camp Head Supports Justin

(Mark Draycott – PE Teacher & Draycott Sports Camp) "From the beginning Justin has been a big supporter of Draycott Sports Camp and I am glad to have worked with him as he campaigned at a national level to highlight the importance of young people benefitting from being active and healthy. Together, we have directly influenced the Government which led to the announcement of the Healthy Pupils Capital Programme worth £415m to increase extra activities as well as extend breakfast clubs and prom...

Arkells Back Tomlinson Campaign

Arkells Back Tomlinson Campaign

(James Arkell – Arkells Brewery) "It has been a pleasure to work with Justin to help support our industry. He has been a long-standing supporter of our network of community pubs and has been instrumental in helping us to continue the campaign to cut Beer Duty – a much needed measure to support local pubs.”

North Swindon Student Gets Behind Justin's Re-Election

North Swindon Student Gets Behind Justin's Re-Election

(Kamya Gopal – Work Experience Student) “I did work experience at Justin’s office over the summer and was able to see first-hand how a busy local MPs office works. I know that Justin provides work experience opportunities to local students as well as giving tours of Parliament to local schools and colleges. He has shown a real passion for democracy by encouraging young people to communicate with him on various issues and ensure their voices are heard.”

Swindon Entrepreneur Says Justin's Experience Is Vital

Swindon Entrepreneur Says Justin's Experience Is Vital

(James Phipps – Excalibur) "Justin’s hands on experience of running his own business sets him apart in promoting opportunities for local businesses, something which is vital when it comes to creating the next generation of jobs. He is approachable, understanding and productive. It is crucial that MPs have a grasp on the local issues and champion local businesses on a national platform. Justin is certainly the person to do that, irrespective of your political persuasion. There can be few people w...

Former Swindon Town Chief Executive Highlights Justin's Commitment

Former Swindon Town Chief Executive Highlights Justin's Commitment

(Nick Watkins – Swindon Town FC, Chief Executive 2008-13) "Justin is a genuine fan of STFC and is hugely passionate about sport. He has been a long standing friend and supporter of the STFC Supporters Trust and always gives his last ounce of energy to ensuring that local clubs in Swindon are given every chance of success.”