Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



Justin Backs First Ever National Litter Strategy

Justin Backs First Ever National Litter Strategy

Justin Tomlinson MP has welcomed the first ever Litter Strategy for England; designed to reduce discarded rubbish, increase awareness of the effect litter has on the environment and create innovative ways of keeping communities clean.Litter blights the appearance of our towns and roadsides and spoils our enjoyment of the countryside. The Government wants to send the strongest message that we support those who want a clean local environment and to have pride in where they live and work.  In our 2...

North Swindon MP Visits Scrappers Gym To See Success First Hand

North Swindon MP Visits Scrappers Gym To See Success First Hand

Scrappers Boxing Gym & Community Fitness Centre received a visit from local MP Justin Tomlinson to help raise awareness of the fantastic new project set up to provide access to fitness and boxing skills for local people with disabilities.The Swindon Children’s Scrapstore recently secured a grant of £8,069 funding from the Big Lottery Fund to provide free boxing skills and fitness sessions for people with disabilities offering more choice and opportunities to enjoy the benefits of accessible ...

Justin On Hand To Start Oakhurst Fundraising Run For British Heart Foundation

Justin On Hand To Start Oakhurst Fundraising Run For British Heart Foundation

Last week Justin Tomlinson MP joined Oakhurst Primary School to start off the Year 6 fundraising run in aid of the British Heart Foundation.Justin is a patron of the Swindon branch of the British Heart Foundation and has been a very active on a number of occasions with the British Heart Foundation most recently last November when he became a defibrillator champion. Supporting a campaign to get lifesaving defibrillator access in schools. As well as campaigning for life-saving skills to be a part ...

Local MP Encourages North Swindon Groups To Take Advantage Of Free Community Office

Local MP Encourages North Swindon Groups To Take Advantage Of Free Community Office

Justin Tomlinson MP's community office continues to be utilised by local voluntary groups and charities.Last week Swindon U3a, a community organisation which provides leisure and learning opportunities for the senior generation in Swindon, was participating in first aid training which was put on by the British Heart Foundation. Swindon U3a has 1,932 members in 155 groups each of which do a variety of different activities from walking to tap-dancing.If you volunteer or work for a charity or volun...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 7th April

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 7th April

For those who have ever been to Parliament Square in London, located towards the North West end of the Palace of Westminster, you will have seen 11 different statues of various statesmen and notable figures. From Winston Churchill and David Lloyd George, to Mahatma Gandhi and Abraham Lincoln; all great proponents of freedom and democracy and all very worthy of their places in the square. However when you look properly, you soon realise that there is a shameful and glaring omission from the statu...

Justin & Robert Pledge Support For Parkinson's UK Campaign

Justin & Robert Pledge Support For Parkinson's UK Campaign

For Parkinson’s Awareness Week, Swindon MPs Justin Tomlinson and Robert Buckland have pledged their support to the charity Parkinson’s UK’s ‘We Won’t Wait’ campaign, calling for urgent action to unlock the promise of research developments that could pave the way to better treatments and stop Parkinson’s drugs ‘falling behind’.Every hour, someone in the UK is told they have Parkinson's. It affects 127,000 people in the UK – which is around one in 500 of the population. Parkinson's is a degenerati...

North Swindon MP Joins Charity ‘Bikeathon’ For Uplands Educational Trust

North Swindon MP Joins Charity ‘Bikeathon’ For Uplands Educational Trust

North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson has joined teachers and students from Uplands, as well as representatives from the Rotary Club and Rockin’ Robin from Swindon Town Football Club at one of their charity ‘Bikeathons’ at Asda Walmart on behalf of the Uplands Educational Trust.The trust is currently trying to raise £5000 towards buying a new minibus so that learners will be able to attend work placements, holiday clubs and be able to socialise with their peers. Horizon’s College is encouraging vol...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 31st March

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 31st March

Swindon is proud to be HQ for many national companies and organisations. Including the National Trust, English Heritage and the Historic England Archive all of which are based on the Old Railway Quarter adjacent to the Designer Outlet Village. I was delighted to join my colleagues Tracey Crouch, the Minister for Sport, Tourism and Heritage and Robert Buckland MP as we visited all three organisations before paying a visit to the fantastic Steam Museum which showcases Swindon’s railway heritage.Th...

Minister's Visit Showcases Town's Heritage, Major Employers & High Quality Developments

Minister's Visit Showcases Town's Heritage, Major Employers & High Quality Developments

Local MPs Justin Tomlinson and Robert Buckland welcomed Tracey Crouch, the Minister for Sport, Heritage and Tourism, to Swindon on Thursday to visit the National Trust, English Heritage, Historic England and Steam.Swindon is proud to be HQ for many national companies and organisations. The National Trust, English Heritage and the Historic England Archive are all based on the Old Railway Quarter adjacent to the Designer Outlet Village:The National Trust of England, Wales and Northern Ireland is t...

Justin Welcomes Triggering Of Article 50 & Plan For Britain

Justin Welcomes Triggering Of Article 50 & Plan For Britain

The Prime Minister has triggered Article 50 beginning the process of Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union and building a country that works for everyone in Swindon.On Wednesday, Theresa May gave effect to the democratic decision of the people of the United Kingdom who voted decisively to leave the EU, as she leads the Conservative Government that is delivering our Plan for Britain. The plan means a fairer society where success is based on merit, not privilege, a stronger economy where ev...