Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes Additional Funding To Fix Potholes In Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes Additional Funding To Fix Potholes In Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP has welcomed today’s announcement from the Transport Secretary, Chris Grayling, that Swindon is set to receive an additional allocation of £194,000 to enable Swindon Council to fix up to 3,700 potholes in 2017/2018. This funding is in addition to the £2,489,000 the Department of Transport had already committed to providing in 2017 to 2018 to help repair local highways in Swindon. Justin Said: “I agree with the Secretary of State for Transport that this investment will hopeful...

Justin Tomlinson MP Hosts Meeting With Lloyds To Discuss Closure Of Highworth Branch

Justin Tomlinson MP Hosts Meeting With Lloyds To Discuss Closure Of Highworth Branch

On 25 November 2016 Justin Tomlinson MP hosted a meeting at his office between Lloyds Bank and local representatives, to discuss the pending closure of the Lloyds Bank branch in Highworth. It was clearly stated in the meeting that Justin and local representatives would like Lloyds Bank to review or reconsider their decision to close the Highworth branch. Lloyds explained that the branch was no longer commercially viable.  They – and many other banks –  have an ongoing branch closure programme to...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 25th November

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 25th November

This week Philip Hammond delivered an Autumn Statement that provides a stable economic platform as the UK leaves the EU. It set out how we will support our economy as we begin writing this new chapter in our country’s history.We will continue to be the fastest growing major advanced economy in the world, and by 2020, the deficit will be at its lowest level in two decades. Crucially we are getting the country back to living within its means, which means that for every commitment we as a Governmen...

Justin Hosts Celebration Of Swindon's Voluntary Sector

Justin Hosts Celebration Of Swindon's Voluntary Sector

Justin Tomlinson MP, in partnership with the Zurich Community Trust, has hosted a celebration evening for Swindon’s voluntary sector at his office on the Orbital Retail Park in North Swindon.Representatives from different charities were present and the evening was focused on celebrating volunteers and saying thank you to those who give up their time in order to contribute to the local community. Justin Tomlinson, MP for North Swindon, was joined by South Swindon MP Robert Buckland, the Head of Z...

North Swindon MP Calls On Fellow Residents To Love Food Hate Waste

North Swindon MP Calls On Fellow Residents To Love Food Hate Waste

As the number of plastic bags we use falls dramatically (down 80% since October last year), Justin Tomlinson MP is encouraging constituents to continue to cut waste by reducing the amount of food fellow local residents send to landfill. The ‘Love Food Hate Waste’ campaign aims to give households simple tips to cut food waste and save money. UK households alone waste £12.5 billion worth of food and drink each year, costing individuals £260, the average family with children £700 a year, or around...

Justin Tomlinson MP Wins Let’s Loop Award

Justin Tomlinson MP Wins Let’s Loop Award

On Friday, Let’s Loop Swindon presented Justin Tomlinson MP with a ‘Champion for Hearing Loops’ award at an event in the Swindon Borough Council offices. ‘Let’s Loop Swindon’ was formed in the summer of 2014 to improve both awareness and the provision of hearing loops in the town. A hearing loop is a type of sound system for use by people with hearing aids. During his time as Minister for Disabled People, Justin Tomlinson MP wrote to several national businesses to encourage them to listen to the...

North Swindon MP Opens Stanton Country Park Christmas Shop

North Swindon MP Opens Stanton Country Park Christmas Shop

Justin Tomlinson MP has visited the Farmhouse Tearooms to officially open the Christmas shop of the Every Cloud Arts and Craft group at Stanton Country Park.The ‘Every Cloud Arts and Craft’ group operate the Farmhouse tea rooms alongside an arts and workshop space with the intention of extending into an accessible, community artisan workshop incorporating a printing press, an electric kiln and a wood working facility.Every Cloud’s Christmas shop sells various products ranging from artwork and de...

Justin Comments On Recent Education News

Justin Comments On Recent Education News

Parents have contacted me this week to defend local schools in response to the letter written by Ofsted Regional Director Bradley Simmons. Others however have contacted me to demand that local schools improve quickly so that there is a good choice when it comes to their children’s education. Both sides have valid concerns. The letter by Mr Simmons fails to acknowledge that there has been progress and credit should be given where it is due. It also uses some statistics in a questionably selective...

Local MP Welcomes Increase In Individual Tailored Employment Support For Disabled People

Local MP Welcomes Increase In Individual Tailored Employment Support For Disabled People

North Swindon MP and former Minister for Disabled People, Justin Tomlinson, has highlighted the importance of tailored employment support for disabled people and people with a long-term health conditions during two debates in Parliament.One key advantage of the full roll-out of universal credit is that every claimant will have a personal, named coach who will stay with them. The job of the coach is not only to help people to get into work, but to navigate all the challenges they face when dealin...