Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



Justin Joins Oscar Nominated Swindon Actor For Screening Of Film Raising Awareness Of The Challenges Of Being Deaf

Justin Joins Oscar Nominated Swindon Actor For Screening Of Film Raising Awareness Of The Challenges Of Being Deaf

Justin Tomlinson MP joined an excited audience on Monday evening to watch an exclusive screening of The Silent Child, a short film which raises awareness of the difficulties that deaf children can face. The film stars Swindon’s very own Maisie Sly who attends Red Oaks school. Maisie plays the character of Libby, a deaf child born to hearing parents who struggle to communicate with their daughter. Libby becomes distant and isolated until a social worker, played by Rachel Shenton, comes to visit.T...

Justin Tomlinson MP Meets With Swindon Victim Support

Justin Tomlinson MP Meets With Swindon Victim Support

Justin Tomlinson MP has met with Ali Newnham from Swindon Victim Support to discuss the work the organisation is doing locally.Victim Support is an independent charity for people affected by crime and traumatic events in England and Wales. Its specialist teams provide individual, independent, emotional and practical help to enable people to cope and recover from the effects of crime. Justin met with Ali to hear more about the work Victim Support locally to victims of crime and Anti-Social Behavi...

North Swindon MP Hosts Swindon Society Exhibition At His Community Office

North Swindon MP Hosts Swindon Society Exhibition At His Community Office

Justin Tomlinson MP’s community office at the Orbital Shopping Park was taken over by the Swindon Society last week, as they put on a brilliant open display showcasing the history of the town.From its very beginnings, the Society has attempted to record the social history of the town since the 1850s. The collection contains a huge variety of photographs including the GWR Swindon Works, Swindon Tramway system, Wilts & Berks Canal, Swindon in both World Wars, school groups, areas of the town i...

Justin Helps Launch National Literacy Hub In Swindon

Justin Helps Launch National Literacy Hub In Swindon

As former Chair of the Libraries group in Parliament, Justin Tomlinson MP was pleased to join others at the launch of the National Literacy Hub in Swindon.The National Literacy Trust has partnered with Swindon Borough Council to establish a literacy hub in the town. The Hub will aim to bring together local partners to tackle issues in communities where low literacy levels are seriously impacting on people’s lives. The Swindon Hub will encompass a range of programmes & activities to equip chi...

Justin's Campaign to Ban Third Party Puppy Sales One Step Closer

Justin's Campaign to Ban Third Party Puppy Sales One Step Closer

A ban on third party puppy sales is to be explored by the Government as part of a package of reforms to drive up animal welfare standards, the Environment Secretary Michael Gove has announced today.Introducing a ban on third party puppy sales is an issue that local MP Justin Tomlinson has been campaigning for ever since he was elected in 2010.He welcomed news that a call for evidence was launched today seeking views on a possible ban on third party sales, which would mean anyone looking to buy o...

Swindon Advertiser Column: We Are Cracking Down On Sellers Who Have A Total Disregard For Their Dogs’ Welfare

Swindon Advertiser Column: We Are Cracking Down On Sellers Who Have A Total Disregard For Their Dogs’ Welfare

A long running campaign which I have been involved with since my election to Parliament in 2010, has been for a ban on third-party puppy sales.Over the years, evidence has shown that animals are still routinely being farmed in horrific conditions, before being passed on to third party puppy sellers. These farms see puppies reared in cramped conditions, often with little or no regard for their health, which then has a very detrimental impact on their development.I have worked closely with Marc Ab...

Justin Tomlinson MP Pledges To Pass On Plastic With Sky Ocean Rescue

Justin Tomlinson MP Pledges To Pass On Plastic With Sky Ocean Rescue

Justin Tomlinson MP has signed a pledge to #PassOnPlastic with Sky Ocean Rescue – a commitment to reduce single-use plastic consumption.Launched in January 2017, Sky Ocean Rescue aims to shine a spotlight on the issues of ocean health, particularly single-use plastic, and inspire people to make small changes. The #PassOnPlastic pledge was also signed by 113 MPs, all making a public commitment to reduce their consumption of single-use plastics.Sky Ocean Rescue’s whale, Plasticus, which is made up...

VIDEO: Justin Tomlinson Calls For Emergency Lifesaving Skills To Be Taught In Schools

VIDEO: Justin Tomlinson Calls For Emergency Lifesaving Skills To Be Taught In Schools

North Swindon MP has spoken passionately about his campaign to add the teaching of emergency lifesaving skills to the National Curriculum.Justin's comments, which came during a Westminster Hall debate in Parliament, are the latest in a series of speeches he has delivered highlighting the urgent need to add a one hour emergency first aid & CPR lesson to the core subjects children are taught in school.The North Swindon MP highlighted his own personal experience of finding his father, who had h...

Local MP Discusses Schools In North Swindon With New Regional Schools Commissioner

Local MP Discusses Schools In North Swindon With New Regional Schools Commissioner

Local MP Justin Tomlinson has met with the new Regional Schools Commissioner for the South West, Lisa Mannall, to discuss education in Swindon.Regional Schools Commissioners (RSCs) work on behalf of the Secretary of State for Education and are accountable to the National Schools Commissioner. Each RSC is supported by a Headteacher Board and these Headteacher Boards are made up of experienced academy headteachers who advise & challenge RSCs on the decisions they make.Brought in by the Governm...

North Swindon MP Welcomes Government's 'Good Work Plan' To Support Employees

North Swindon MP Welcomes Government's 'Good Work Plan' To Support Employees

Justin Tomlinson MP has welcomed the launch of the “Good Work Plan” which will see millions of flexible workers receive new rights under major Government reforms, as the UK becomes one of the first countries to address the challenges of the changing world of work in the modern economy.The Government’s ‘Good Work Plan’ comes in response to the independent Taylor Review, published last year, which investigated what impact modern working practices are having on the world of work. The review found t...