Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



Local MP Meets With Young Enterprise To Discuss Combining Sport & Entrepreneurship

Local MP Meets With Young Enterprise To Discuss Combining Sport & Entrepreneurship

Local MP Justin Tomlinson has met with the charity Young Enterprise to discuss ways to combine business challenges with sport in order to spark entrepreneurial spirit. Young Enterprise is the UK’s leading enterprise and financial education charity reaching over 250,000 young people every year. They work to give young people the opportunity to learn more about business and experience what it’s like to take on the challenge of entrepreneurship. Justin has previously worked with Young Enterprise as...

New Statistics Showing Major Fall In Poverty Backed By Local MP

New Statistics Showing Major Fall In Poverty Backed By Local MP

Justin Tomlinson MP has welcomed the news that the number of people living in absolutely poverty has fallen by 1 million, including 300,000 children, according to official statistics from the Office for National Statistics.Figures show that children are around five times more likely to live in poverty if they live in a workless household, compared to a household where all adults work. The number of children living in a workless household is down by almost 600,000 since 2010. On average, there ha...

North Swindon MP Welcomes Latest Record Employment Figures

North Swindon MP Welcomes Latest Record Employment Figures

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has welcomed news that the number of people in employment in the UK has hit a joint record high.Figures from the Office of National Statistics show that 402,000 have moved into employment in the last year, bringing the employment rate to 75% - a joint record high. Currently the unemployment rate is 4.3% - the lowest it has been since 1975 – and the number of people not working and not looking for work fell by 158,000 on the year, to the lowest since records bega...

Justin Backs Government Consultation To Take On Single Use Plastics

Justin Backs Government Consultation To Take On Single Use Plastics

Justin Tomlinson MP has welcomed Government efforts to ensure the environment is passed to the next generation in a better state than it is has been in decades.The Government has launched a call for evidence on using the tax system or creating new charges to address the problem of single-use plastic waste.From coffee cups to takeaway boxes, the UK produces millions of tonnes of single-use plastic waste each year, and the Government is calling on all areas of society to help them examine how chan...

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes New Measures To Ensure Businesses Pay The Correct Tax

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes New Measures To Ensure Businesses Pay The Correct Tax

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has welcomed the Government’s latest efforts to ensure that all businesses pay the tax they are supposed to.A Government crackdown on tax evasion and avoidance is expected to bring in £2.1bn.The Finance Act 2018 - which includes measures to tackle VAT fraud, loopholes on offshore tax avoidance, and rogue illegal waste site operators - will help to raise an additional £1.2 billion from tackling tax avoidance, evasion and non-compliance.As a result of this new leg...

North Swindon MP Opens New Haydonleigh Primary School Library Bus

North Swindon MP Opens New Haydonleigh Primary School Library Bus

Justin Tomlinson MP was delighted to open the Haydonleigh Primary School Library Bus.Pupils and the PTA spent many months organising cake sales and school discos in order to raise the funds needed to restore the old London double decker bus, which has now found its home in the school playground, into a school library.  The aim of the library is to be stocked full of fiction books in order to encourage more reading for pleasure amongst the pupils. Thanks to the hard work of the PTA and volunteers...

Justin Visits Rodbourne Cheney Primary School As Part Of Careers Week

Justin Visits Rodbourne Cheney Primary School As Part Of Careers Week

Justin Tomlinson MP has joined pupils at Rodbourne Cheney Primary School as part of their Careers Week to discuss his role as a Member of Parliament and to give students the chance to pass their own law.As part of his talk for Careers Week, Justin set out how he became involved in politics and explained that he did not follow a traditional root into Parliament. He explained to the students how he had once taken part in a school election, much like the students from Rodbourne Cheney Primary Schoo...

Local MP Helps Moredon Primary School Pass Their Own Parliamentary Bill

Local MP Helps Moredon Primary School Pass Their Own Parliamentary Bill

Local MP Justin Tomlinson has visited Moredon Primary School to talk to students about what it's like to be an MP, the work he does to represent them, and to help the students pass their own Parliamentary School Bill.As part of Careers Week, students took the opportunity to question Justin on his background, the reasons he got involved in politics, and what they could do to help change the law.As well as taking questions from the students, Justin also used his informative & interactive assem...

Local MP Welcomes New Independent Statistics Showing The Economy Is Strong

Local MP Welcomes New Independent Statistics Showing The Economy Is Strong

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has welcomed the news that the independent Office for Budget Responsibility has confirmed the Conservative Government’s plans have seen the deficit slashed, led to record employment and will continue to deliver record spending on public services including schools and the NHS.The findings came as the Chancellor, Philip Hammond, delivered his Spring Statement – updating the public on the state of the economy and setting out areas the Government will consult on ahe...

North Swindon MP Welcomes 1st Swindon Michigan Beavers To Community Office To Learn More About His Role Representing Them

North Swindon MP Welcomes 1st Swindon Michigan Beavers To Community Office To Learn More About His Role Representing Them

The 1st Swindon Michigan Beavers were welcomed to North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson’s community office, to learn more about the role of an MP, as well as working towards their My Skills and My World Challenge awards.The youngsters heard Justin talk about his experience as an MP, and got an interactive lesson in how a Bill is passed through Parliament.The Beavers' visit was part of their work towards their My Skills Award, part of which involved going somewhere new and finding out five facts abou...