Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



Justin Tomlinson Supports Stroke Association

Justin Tomlinson Supports Stroke Association

Justin Tomlinson MP for North Swindon had his blood pressure tested at a Parliamentary Reception held by The Stroke Association in Westminster to highlight how monitoring blood pressure can help to prevent a stroke.The reception also provided an opportunity for the charity to highlight the fact that long term support for those that survive a stroke should be a key health issue under the newly formed Government. Justin Tomlinson MP, commented:“There is no doubt that blood pressure testing really ...

Museum of Computing 1st Anniversary Event

Museum of Computing 1st Anniversary Event

Jeremy Holt, Founder & Justin Tomlinson MPJustin Tomlinson MP attended and spoke at the Museum of Computing, 1st Anniversary celebrations.The Museum of Computing is devoted to the history of computing and digital development. It was the first physical museum of it's kind in the UK dedicated to the history of computing.The Museum is not simply a repository of artefacts, but has active displays as well as providing a forum for the provision of lectures. There is a mixture of permanent and ...

Swindon Volunteer Centre Visit

Swindon Volunteer Centre Visit

Volunteer Centre Swindon provides free guidance for anyone looking for volunteering opportunities, based at 1 John Street, Swindon. They also give free support and good practice advice to volunteer-involving organisations.Further information on the Volunteer Centre can be seen at: http://www.swindonvolunteers.org.ukJustin Tomlinson MP, "I was delighted to visit Volunteer Centre Swindon.  Their exceptional work in bringing together volunteers and organisations looking to volunteer is helping make...

Plan 500, Backing Young People

Plan 500, Backing Young People

Rod Bluh, leader of Swindon Borough Council, Rikki Hunt, head of SSEP,Caroline Hallatt, head of corporate responsibility, Nationwide Building SocietyJustin Tomlinson Conservative MP North Swindonand Robert Buckland Conservative MP for South Swindon(Picture www.swindonweb.com)A new initiative aimed at helping young people realise their potential and improve their workplace skills was launched today.Plan 500 is looking for businesses that can offer work experience, apprenticeships, mentors to help...

Justin Tomlinson MP, Children with Leukaemia Charity Electricity Pylon Meeting

Justin Tomlinson MP, Children with Leukaemia Charity Electricity Pylon Meeting

Caroline Hampden-White, Children with Leaukaemia & Justin Tomlinson MP viewing anelectricity pylon immediately adjacent to family homes in Abbey Meads Justin Tomlinson MP, "Having met with the Children with Leukaemia charity who set out their concerns regarding electricity pylons, I was determined to help make a differemce.  I firstly agreed to support their national campaign, but I also offered to see how I could help locally in Swindon. I therefore arranged a meeting with Swindon Borough C...

Blunsdon House Hotel 50 Years Celebration

Blunsdon House Hotel 50 Years Celebration

 Blunsdon House, one of Swindon’s most prestigious hotels, remains at the heart of the community after 50 years.Still owned by the same family, the four-star business in Blunsdon High Street has hosted thousands of guests and events over the years, including many weddings.Now the family is looking to the future as they celebrate its golden anniversary this week.Manager Christopher Clifford said: “Fifty years is a fantastic achievement, especially with the economic climate and all the tough econo...

Justin Tomlinson MP Supports Automotive Industry Apprentices Event

Justin Tomlinson MP Supports Automotive Industry Apprentices Event

Justin Tomlinson MP with Honda UK Apprentices SMMT held its summer parliamentary reception in the House of Commons on 20 July. MPs, senior industry executives and stakeholder colleagues met apprentices from nine global companies that manufacture vehicles in the UK, to talk about their experiences and roles within the automotive industry. Guests heard speeches from Richard Burden MP, chair of the All-PartyParliamentary Motor Group, Ron Dennis CBE, executive chairman of McLaren Group and McLaren A...

Justin Tomlinson MP Supports Northern Sector Police Exhibition

Justin Tomlinson MP Supports Northern Sector Police Exhibition

Abbey Meads ward councillors Vera Tomlinson and Peter Heaton-Jones and North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson have thrown their support behind a new local policing intitiative.The North Swindon Neighbourhood Policing teams have been visiting communities in their new exhibition van.  Today the van was at the Orbital Retail Centre in Abbey Meads ward.The idea is to make police officers more accessible so that people can talk to them about the issues that matter to them, and learn more about what is bei...

Stratton Outlook Monthly Article, August

Stratton Outlook Monthly Article, August

In the years leading up to the election, I kept promising that I would be a highly visible and accessible MP. Now I’ve been able to turn those words into deeds . Along with my South Swindon colleague Robert Buckland, we’ve set up a joint constituency office, right in the centre of Swindon. It has so many advantages. First and foremost it’s the most efficient use of taxpayers’ money; by sharing accommodation, staff and equipment, we can make considerable cost savings. It’s also very accessible – ...

Justin Tomlinson MP Meets Peter Crouch

Justin Tomlinson MP Meets Peter Crouch

 Today, the All-Party Communications Group examined what Ofcom's ruling on the Pay TV market will mean for consumers.In addition Peter Crouch, current Tottenham and England player, was interviewed by Martin Keown, former Arsenal player, 43 caps for England and now a BBC football pundit. Peter gave an insight into his experiences as a player including his recent trip to South Africa with the England team.Justin Tomlinson MP, "Throughout this meeting we had opportunities to discuss: the Pay TV...