Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 13th September

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 13th September

Every generation faces its own economic challenges, be it revolution, depression or liberalisation.  I am a child of the technology revolution, my parents ran businesses through the era of economic liberalisation, my grandparents lived through the Great Depression and my great-great ancestors saw the Industrial Revolution of Victorian Britain.   Our children and our grandchildren will too face their own economic challenge posed by increasing resource scarcity.  The population of the world grows,...

North Swindon MP Makes Pledge In The Fight Against Dementia

North Swindon MP Makes Pledge In The Fight Against Dementia

North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson, has pledged to take action to support the 800,000 people living with dementia across the UK.   Justin joined 200 MPs from all parties, representatives from Alzheimer’s Society and Arlene Philips in Portcullis House, Westminster to provide a handwritten statement of the action they will take to support people with dementia and their carers. Justin pledged to support Dementia Friends in their constituency.   The Alzheimer's Society is aiming to have one million ...

Justin Expresses Support For Raising Awareness Of Electrical Safety

Justin Expresses Support For Raising Awareness Of Electrical Safety

North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson, attended a parliamentary drop-in session to show support for improving electrical safety in the home by raising awareness of the importance and benefits of using a competent, registered electrician to householders via ElectricSafe. ElectricSafe is a single, recognisable, consumer facing register of competent, electricians from across England and Wales. All ElectricSafe electricians are regularly assessed to demonstrate their ongoing competence; they are requir...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 6th September

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 6th September

Payday lending is controversial.  There are those lawmakers who think we should regulate it out of existence and I was happy to engage with them in a debate I helped secure on the subject yesterday in Parliament.   I take a more pragmatic view.  The truth is that the payday lending market exists because there is a demand for it.  For some, mainstream lending doesn’t suit their needs (small loan for a very short period of time), others don’t have access due to a poor credit rating.  We could regu...

Justin Unveils Panel Honouring Highworth War Hero

Justin Unveils Panel Honouring Highworth War Hero

Local MP and long time supporter of the Coleshill Auxillary Research Team (CART), Justin Tomlinson, joined Highworth residents at the unveiling a panel detailing the history of the Auxillarty Units  and local hero, postmistress Mabel Stranks. The Unit formed part of Churchill's Secret Army, a British Resistance trained to tackle an invasion by Hitler during the Second World War. Mabel Stranks played this key role in Coleshill from 1940 to 1944 at considerable personal risk.  The village postmist...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 30th August

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 30th August

For only the third time since I became an MP, Parliament was recalled this week. An issue as serious as Syria certainly merits a recall; however it does throw up some interesting challenges. Parliament itself wasn’t quite ready for a recall. The Parliamentary buildings are in constant need of repair and during the Summer Recess much of the heavy work is carried out, so I arrived on Wednesday evening navigating various piles of rubble and scaffolding. With Parliament due to return on Monday many ...

Justin Welcomes Flame Of Hope To Swindon

Justin Welcomes Flame Of Hope To Swindon

North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson welcomed the torch for the Special Olympics, Great Britain's National Summer Games, was bought to Swindon as part of its journey around the South West of England. The 'Flame of Hope' was used to light the cauldron at the opening ceremony of the National Summer Games at the Royal Crescent in Bath on Wednesday. The games are held every four years and will see 1,700 athletes compete. Justin Tomlinson MP said: "It is such an honour to have the torch in Swindon on i...

Swindon MPs Team Up To See Robins Roar To Success

Swindon MPs Team Up To See Robins Roar To Success

Swindon MPs Justin Tomlinson & Robert Buckland joined Gary Patchett, Swindon Robins promoter at the Abbey Stadium. Justin Tomlinson MP and Robert Buckland MP are delighted to be supporters of speedway in general and the Swindon Robins in particular.  Both Swindon MP have become members of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Speedway as they recognise the importance of investing in the sport for the future. Justin Tomlinson MP, "Previously as a Councillor in Swindon I helped lead the campaig...

Local MPs Back Swindon's Rail Development

Local MPs Back Swindon's Rail Development

Swindon MPs Justin Tomlinson & Robert Buckland joined Network Rail to view the current works to redouble the Swindon to Kemble track. By creating the £45m second track for 12 miles on the Swindon to Kemble line it will provide extra capacity, allow more services to be run, offer an important route to south Wales and provide a route diversionary during the electrification of the Great Western main line. The end of August marks an important period for the project as there is a blockade of the ...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 23rd August 2013

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 23rd August 2013

It is 1940.  You step off the end of the branch line in Highworth armed with only the instructions to report to the Post Office, the password you had been given memorised and mentally repeated a thousand times.  You present yourself at the Post Office counter 'I am here for Mrs Mabel Stranks'. And so the covert process would begin.  Mable would check the ID and make phone calls to Coleshill House, the HQ of the Auxiliary Units, a British Resistance trained to tackle an invasion by Hitler during ...