Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



Justin Tomlinson MP Presents Charity Golf Day Awards

Justin Tomlinson MP Presents Charity Golf Day Awards

Justin Tomlinson MP attended the Sandgate Pub in Oxford Road on Saturday 22nd May to present raffle prizes and trophies to the winning golf team.The Sandgate Pub have for the past three years held a Charity Golf Day to raise money for various charities and this years nominated charity is the Prospect Hospice and Help The Heroes. Their previous charity Golf Days have raised in total £5000 and this year they are hoping to raise approx £2000.Justin Tomlinson MP, "I was delighted that the Sandgate P...

Justin Tomlinson MP Supports Lowering Car Parking Charges

Justin Tomlinson MP Supports Lowering Car Parking Charges

Parking charges in Swindon could be slashed if the council agrees to new proposals next week.If the new charges, which would last until the end of July 2011, are backed by Swindon Council’s Cabinet on Wednesday it would see the price of parking for up to four hours in the town centre cut from £4.80 to £2.It would also mean that parking for up to an hour would cost £1, as opposed to the current price of £1.20.In Old Town, under the new plans, it would cost 70p for up to an hour and £1 for stays o...

McDonalds / Swindon Council Leisure Team Football Open Day

McDonalds / Swindon Council Leisure Team Football Open Day

John Barnes Entertaining Potential Future StarsI was delighted to attend the 'McDonald's Football Open Day' in association with Swindon Town FC and Swindon Borough Council's Leisure Team.The Open Day events is part of the community programme encouraging local youngsters to pull on their boots and join in the sporting fun.The Open Day included coaching sessions, a mini tournament, skills inflatables and the chance to meet John Barnes, who spent time chatting, playing football and ...

Justin Tomlinson Elected North Swindon MP

Justin Tomlinson Elected North Swindon MP

Justin Tomlinson was elected as the new Conservative MP for North Swindon with a massive majority over the Labour candidate of 7,060.  This is one of the largest swings in a Labour held seat in the Country. CandidatePartyVotesJustin TomlinsonConservative22,408Victor AgarwalLabour15,348Kathleen LockLib Dem8,668Stephen HaldenUKIP1,842Reg BatesBNP1,542John HughesGreen487Justin Tomlinson, "I am exceptionally proud to have the chance to represent my fellow local residents.  I will do all I can to be ...

Ridgeway Farm Development Consultation Too Short Notice

Ridgeway Farm Development Consultation Too Short Notice

800 home plan on show on Wednesday 26 May, 4pm - 7pmPlans on display Roughmoor Social Hall, Swinley Drive, Peatmoor Organised by DPDS Consulting Group for Taylor Wimpey Homes.  The proposed development of 800 homes at Ridgeway Farm, which is outside Swindon’s boundary is within Wiltshire Council control. Justin Tomlinson MP, "It is a shame that such short notice has been given for this public meeting, no doubt a reflection of the lack of consideration given to the existing local residents who ar...

Justin Tomlinson MP Joins The Stig To Open New Autocentre

Justin Tomlinson MP Joins The Stig To Open New Autocentre

Justin Tomlinson MP Joined The Mayor and The Stig to officially open thenew Nationwide Autocentre in Hobley Drive, StrattonJustin Tomlinson MP said, "I'm delighted to have been invited to the opening of Swindon's new Nationwide Autocentre.  As North Swindon's MP, I want to be a champion for local businesses and local employers.  Of course the car industry is so important to Swindon, so this is a particularly significant new venture.  I'm a fan of Top Gear so I was looking forward...

Swindon's New MPs To Be Sworn In

Swindon's New MPs To Be Sworn In

Swindon’s two new Conservative MPs are to be ‘sworn in’ on Thursday 20 May.The historic ceremony will mean that Justin Tomlinson (North Swindon) and Robert Buckland (South Swindon) can both officially take their seats as  Members of the House of Commons.Members of both Houses of Parliament are required by law to take an oath of allegiance to the Crown before they can take their seat in Parliament.This process is known as swearing in, and this year is taking place over several days.Justin Tomlins...

Justin Welcomes The New Conservative Government

Justin Welcomes The New Conservative Government

Justin has issued the following statement, reacting to the start of the new Conservative government.Justin Tomlinson, North Swindon:"It has been an incredible few days, but at last David Cameron has made it to Number Ten.  This was the only possible outcome after the voters of North Swindon joined millions more across Britain and sent such a clear message that it was time for change.  After all this drama, I am now looking forward to getting down to business as one of the MPs in a new Conservati...

Swindon's New Conservative MPs Start Work

Swindon's New Conservative MPs Start Work

Swindon’s two new Conservative MPs are this morning beginning their first full working week following their historic election victories last Thursday.Robert Buckland and Justin Tomlinson will both be in London this afternoon for a meeting with fellow Conservative MPs.  There will then be an intensive three days of preparations for the re-start of Parliament. In Swindon, staff have been working over the weekend to establish a temporary constituency office which will begin operating this morning. ...