Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



Swindon Advertiser Column - Free Trade Deals Will Play An Important Role In Tackling The Economic Challenges We Face

Swindon Advertiser Column - Free Trade Deals Will Play An Important Role In Tackling The Economic Challenges We Face

As we look to make our recovery following the devastation caused by Covid-19, free trade deals will play an important role in tackling the economic challenges we face. That’s why I am pleased that the Department for International Trade has now opened free trade negotiations with the USA, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan. Along with the £160 billion the Government has provided to aid our recovery and prevent job losses, and the Chancellor’s Plan for Jobs, free trade agreements will provide exci...

Swindon Advertiser Column - An Ambitious And Decisive Plan To Kickstart The Economy

Swindon Advertiser Column - An Ambitious And Decisive Plan To Kickstart The Economy

The Covid-19 outbreak has taken a huge toll on the economy, causing significant disruption to businesses and workers. Since the outbreak, the Government has provided £160 billion of funding to deal with the immediate short-term challenges. This is one of the largest and most comprehensive plans anywhere in the world – providing significant protection for businesses, jobs, and livelihoods. From the outset, the Government has said that it will do whatever it takes to protect people and businesses ...

Chancellor Announces Package Of Support For COVID Recovery

Chancellor Announces Package Of Support For COVID Recovery

The Chancellor Rishi Sunak has today announced a package of measures to support jobs in every part of the country, give businesses the confidence to retain and hire, and provide people with the tools they need to get better jobs. The plan for jobs is part of our plan to secure the UK’s economic recovery from Covid-19. Throughout the pandemic, the UK Government has acted with speed to protect lives and safeguard jobs. Measures announced today include: Job Retention Bonus of £1,000 to employers ...

Justin Welcomes New Digital Platform To Help Summer Reading Challenge Overcome COVID Obstacles

Justin Welcomes New Digital Platform To Help Summer Reading Challenge Overcome COVID Obstacles

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has welcomed news that the Summer Reading Challenge will be going ahead – despite disruption to public libraries during the COVID outbreak. The Summer Reading Challenge is designed to encourage all primary-age children to use the school holidays to read for fun. It is a unique partnership between The Reading Agency and public libraries across the UK. The Challenge builds confidence and independent reading, while helping to prevent the dip in children’s reading ...

Swindon Advertiser Column - Very Encouraged By The Government's Ambitious Recovery Plan

Swindon Advertiser Column - Very Encouraged By The Government's Ambitious Recovery Plan

During our recovery, we have a unique opportunity to address some of the key issues which have been affecting our country for decades. This includes house building; tackling skills shortages; and addressing the gap in productivity and connectivity between the regions of the UK. The Prime Minister has pledged to ramp up house building - promising to build faster, build better and build greener. This includes the biggest shake up to planning regulations since WW2. New regulations will give greate...

Justin Highlights Continuing Issue Of Puppy Smuggling

Justin Highlights Continuing Issue Of Puppy Smuggling

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has once again joined Dogs Trust to highlight the terrible trade in puppy smuggling. Puppies being smuggled into the UK face horribly cramped conditions, with no food, little water and no exercise or toilet breaks. Such conditions can cause serious and lifelong health issues. Between December 2015 and 11th June 2020, 1,184 puppies were taken in by the Dogs Trust through its Puppy Pilot Scheme. Sadly, puppy smuggling is a lucrative business, and the puppies tak...

Justin Joins Chaos TV To Celebrate National Employability Day

Justin Joins Chaos TV To Celebrate National Employability Day

As part of National Employability Day, North Swindon MP, and Minister for Disabled People, Health and Work, Justin Tomlinson appeared on Chaos TV to discuss employment opportunities for people with disabilities. Chaos TV is an online radio channel, which runs in partnership with PLUSS – a charity which supports people with disabilities and other disadvantages move into employment each year. The Chaos TV studio has been designed to be as accessible as possible, and it is one of the few wheelchai...

Prime Minister Announces Ambitious Coronavirus Recovery Plans

Prime Minister Announces Ambitious Coronavirus Recovery Plans

The Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced earlier today an ambitious post-Coronavirus recovery plan. Speaking in Dudley, the Prime Minister outlined plans to support the economy and promote job growth, deliver new homes, and invest in the UK’s future prosperity. Recognising the crisis has driven unemployment across the country, and many people are worried about their jobs and incomes, the Government has set out an action plan to support jobs and skills. Over the next five years, the Government...

Government Announces £105million To Tackle Homelessness

Government Announces £105million To Tackle Homelessness

The Government has announced a further £105 million to support local authorities in ensuring that people currently accommodated in emergency accommodation do not return to the streets. At the beginning of the Coronavirus outbreak, local authorities were asked to bring ‘Everyone In’ and help move rough sleepers off the streets during the outbreak. Nearly 15,000 people accommodated in emergency accommodation were able to self-isolate safely – potentially saving countless lives. The Government has...

Swindon Advertiser Column - Easing Of Restrictions Is Fantastic News But We Must Be Careful

Swindon Advertiser Column - Easing Of Restrictions Is Fantastic News But We Must Be Careful

Earlier this week the Prime Minister made the eagerly anticipated announcement that pubs, restaurants and hairdressers would be able to re-open from the 4th July, subject to being able to implement the necessary social distancing measures. Further to this, residents will be pleased to hear that certain leisure facilities, tourist attractions and others may also reopen, if they can do so safely – this includes outdoor gyms and playgrounds, cinemas, museums, galleries, theme parks and arcades, as...