Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



Local MP Welcomes New Careers Hub Funding For The Swindon Area

Local MP Welcomes New Careers Hub Funding For The Swindon Area

North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson has welcomed confirmation that Swindon will host one of 20 new careers hubs, designed to connect more students with future employers.Since 2015 have seen schools required to have a dedicated careers leader to advise and support students, and by 2020 every secondary school will have to provide pupils with at least seven meaningful encounters with employers, resulting in a record number of careers workshops, job fairs and visits by leading businesses to secondary...

Justin Meets Students From The Rodbourne Cheney Philosophy Club

Justin Meets Students From The Rodbourne Cheney Philosophy Club

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has joined pupils from the philosophy club at Rodbourne Cheney Primary School to learn more about the group's activities. After previously leading an assembly at the school, and hosting pupils from the school on a tour of Parliament, Justin was invited by the students to come in and discuss philosophy with them. The club discusses a wide range of issues from politics to the environment. During the visit, the group's debate motion covered food security. Justin fi...

Justin Hails New Funding To Deliver More Ambulances Across Swindon & The South West

Justin Hails New Funding To Deliver More Ambulances Across Swindon & The South West

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has hailed new Government funding which will allow the South Western Ambulance Service (SWAS) to purchase 63 new ambulances.  The funding boost from Government comes as the country marks the 70th birthday of the NHS. Swindon and the South West of England, which SWAS serves will receive and additional £6.7 million from the Department of Health for new ambulances. The new vehicles are part of the capital investment across the NHS, increasing the capacity of local ...

Swindon Advertiser Column: This Is An Important New Role & I've Certainly Hit The Ground Running

Swindon Advertiser Column: This Is An Important New Role & I've Certainly Hit The Ground Running

On Monday evening, the Prime Minister asked me to return to the Department of Work and Pensions as the Minister for Family Support, Housing and Child Maintenance – a role I was delighted to accept.I am very excited to return to the DWP. After 14 months as the Minister for Disabled People, I continued to be proactive on these issues; hosting disability charities at my Community Office in Swindon and being a part of the influential Work & Pensions Select Committee in Parliament.My brief is a l...

Local MP Hosts GoodGym Training Session At His Community Office

Local MP Hosts GoodGym Training Session At His Community Office

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has welcomed a team of local residents from the newly formed local organisation, GoodGym, to his office for a training session.GoodGym combines increasing physical fitness and health levels, with work within the community and social responsibility. As part of their individual and group runs, they encompass everything from cleaning up community spaces, cutting grass and shrubs, to visiting lonely or elderly residents in Swindon.Justin, an avid sport and fitness f...

Justin Tomlinson MP Appointed As A Government Minister By The Prime Minister

Justin Tomlinson MP Appointed As A Government Minister By The Prime Minister

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has returned to the Government at the Department for Work & Pensions as the Minister for Family Support, Housing & Child Maintenance.Justin, who previously served as the Minister for Disabled People, received the news from the Prime Minister on Monday evening.After leaving Government in 2016, Justin continued to campaign actively on a wide range of issues relating to his former ministerial role, and was elected to the influential Work & Commons Selec...

Justin Welcomes New Data Showing Export Levels At Record High

Justin Welcomes New Data Showing Export Levels At Record High

Exports of UK goods and services rose to a record high of £620.2 billion in the year to March 2018 according to new recently released trade figures – news which has been welcomed by North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson. Exports grew faster to Canada (up 12.7%), India (31.8%) and China (15.3%) than to the EU (10%).Demand for goods manufactured in the UK drove a 10% increase in exports, while there was a 4.2% rise in services exports  - due to strong global interest in the UK’s prestigious financial ...

Justin Welcomes Latest Plans To Help Tackle Leasehold & Management Fees

Justin Welcomes Latest Plans To Help Tackle Leasehold & Management Fees

Justin Tomlinson MP has welcomed the news that Government funding schemes will no longer support the building of properties with unjustified new leaseholds.Housing Secretary, James Brokenshire MP, made the announcement as he outlined the Government’s next steps towards delivering both the homes the country needs and a fairer, more transparent system for homebuyers.Justin has actively raised the issue of unfair leasehold practice many times in Parliament, in particular through his work on the All...

North Swindon MP Backs Calls for Post-Brexit Import Ban on Foie Gras

North Swindon MP Backs Calls for Post-Brexit Import Ban on Foie Gras

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson in backing calls for a ban on imports of foie gras to the UK. Foie gras, (or fatty liver in French) is a duck or goose liver that is used in some cooking. The process of generating foie gras involves fattening the bird in order to grow the liver to more than 10 times its usual size. Producing foie gras has garnered much criticism as being cruel because of the practice of force-feeding ducks or geese, multiple times a day, causing substantial discomfort to the an...

Local MP Hosts Jambo Youth Group At His Orbital Community Office

Local MP Hosts Jambo Youth Group At His Orbital Community Office

Everything from President Donald Trump & tuition fees, to the impact of social media & Love Island were up for discussion this week as North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson met and hosted local youth group Jambo at his community office at the Orbital Shopping Park.The Jambo Youth Group was set up by young adult volunteers in North Swindon and the surrounding area who felt motivated to engage young people between ages 11 & 15. While at Justin’s office, the group took part in training exe...