Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



FLIC Wiltshire Article - 20th March

FLIC Wiltshire Article - 20th March

People often say that Politicians don’t get things done. I first got involved in Politics because the hedges at the bottom of my road needed sorting. I was told that if I wanted action, then I should become a Councillor myself and get the problem sorted. So I did.Consequently I spent 10 years as a local Councillor trying to sort out local issues, before becoming the MP where my aim was to become a pro-active representative for my fellow North Swindon residents. Throughout these years as a local ...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 20th March

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 20th March

On Wednesday, George Osborne stood up to deliver his last budget of this Parliament before the General Election.  And the message couldn’t be clearer: Britain is working again.Five years ago Britain had the largest budget deficit in our peacetime history thanks to Labour’s Great Recession. Unemployment was at a record high, British manufacturing output was low and hardworking families having to pay for the mistakes made by the Labour Government. Five years later, and thanks to the Conservative’s...

Justin Welcomes Ruskin Primary School To Parliament

Justin Welcomes Ruskin Primary School To Parliament

North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson, has met with students from the School Council of Ruskin Primary School as part of their visit to Parliament.Justin, who has previously visited the school to give an assembly on how Parliament works, spoke to members of the School Council about his role as an MP and the work he has done across North Swindon. In addition, Justin and the students discussed the work of the School Council and what national laws they would like to see changed.Justin Tomlinson MP sai...

Local MP Highlights Success Of BIOS Youth Project During Visit With Minister

Local MP Highlights Success Of BIOS Youth Project During Visit With Minister

As part of his visit to Swindon, Minister for Civili Society Rob Wilson MP joined North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson as they visited the BIOS Mobile Youth Club.BIOS is a Swindon based youth project which started in 2010, and aims to target vulnerable and disaffected young people living across Swindon by working with them to address their issues, and make positive life choices. The idea of the youth club van is to offer geographical flexibility in order to get out and go to where the young people ...

Justin & Minister For Civil Society Visit Swindon Circles

Justin & Minister For Civil Society Visit Swindon Circles

Rob Wilson MP, the Minister for Civil Society, has joined North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson on a visit to Swindon Circles at the Pinetrees Community Centre.Swindon Circles is an important project which works within the local community to foster friendships and support older people across Swindon, in order to prevent isolation and loneliness. Justin and the Minister were introduced to members of Swindon Circle as well as the volunteers who give up their time each week to spend time with elderly r...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 13th March

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 13th March

This week has seen my proudest moment so far of being the MP for North Swindon. On Monday, it was confirmed that we had secured the funding for not one, but two brand new secondary schools here in Swindon - the first time two bids from the same town have been approved together. For my fellow North Swindon residents, this means that the proposed Great Western Academy will be built in the Northern Sector, and will aim to open for 2017 in order to meet the growing demand for secondary school places...

Justin Joins Students For Ferndale Primary School Science Fair

Justin Joins Students For Ferndale Primary School Science Fair

Local MP, Justin Tomlinson, has visited Ferndale Community Primary School to join in with the school’s ‘Science Week’.Justin visited pupils at the science fair on Thursday where he has the opportunity to see a number of different experiments that the pupils had been exploring throughout the week.One activity included Year 5 pupils finding out how craters appear on the moon and how this effects the moon’s activity in relation to the Earth. Elsewhere, Year 2 pupils were busily exploring which choc...

FLIC Wiltshire Article - 11th March

FLIC Wiltshire Article - 11th March

Owning a home provides a sense of security as well as pride. It is a particularly memorable moment when you are given the keys to your own house. Indeed I still remember the sense of ownership I felt when I was given the keys to my house in Taw Hill in 2006.  I believe that everybody should be able to have that experience. Unfortunately, too many people have been denied that security, like those in their 20s and 30s still living with their parents or a couple who want a child but can’t afford to...

Success For Swindon As Local MPs Secure Two New Secondary Schools For Town

Success For Swindon As Local MPs Secure Two New Secondary Schools For Town

The Government has announced, in an unprecedented move, that two bids for free schools in Swindon have been successful.Prime Minister, David Cameron, has today listed a number of new schools to be built and, in a rare move, Swindon will receive funding for two new secondary schools. The two successful bids are the Great Western Academy, proposed by New College for the Northern Sector. The Diocese of Bristol Academies Trust and will become the town's first Church of England secondary school, acce...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 6th March

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 6th March

It was biscuit decorating and dancing for me last week as I attended a meet and greet session hosted by the Swindon Down’s Syndrome Group at Oakhurst Primary School. The event was hosted by the group alongside parents and teachers for children with Down’s Syndrome and their families. It was a huge success as it presented both a great networking opportunity for adults, as well as a chance for the children to make friends and join in with different activities. It gave me an opportunity to learn mo...