Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



Justin Welcomes Further Backing On Financial Education For Young People

Justin Welcomes Further Backing On Financial Education For Young People

  Justin Tomlinson MP has spoken of his commitment to financial education for young people in speeches at two events following the news that the subject is to be added to National Curriculum from September 2014. Speaking to groups comprising of teachers, social workers, individuals from the financial sector and government officials, Justin explained that research has shown that too many young people go into the world beyond education without a basic understanding essential financial matters incl...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 12th July 2013

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 12th July 2013

In my lifetime, Swindon has changed. In fact, everyone who reads this will have memories of our Town that are just that, memories. I remember the shop on Manchester Road, a time warp and a hat tip to bygone days. When the husband died, his widow just locked the shop, never to enter it again. Whilst elsewhere the passage of time saw shops come and go, products change, this shop saw only its 1970s cereal boxes faded by sunlight. Sadly, it has gone. I feel like Swindon is a phoenix, constantly rein...

New Changing Rooms For Stratton Churchway Bowls

New Changing Rooms For Stratton Churchway Bowls

Alongside players and members, Justin Tomlinson MP officially opened the new changing rooms at Stratton Churchway Bowls Club. The new changing rooms were built with money that Justin helped secure from Sport England and have made a significant difference to the club. Committee Member Alan Gough said "Our £50,000 lottery grant has transformed our club, and the facilities that we offer to our members, with our local councillors & Justin's support from the start of the application process was k...

Justin Welcomes Schools Minister To Seven Fields Primary

Justin Welcomes Schools Minister To Seven Fields Primary

Justin Tomlinson welcomed Schools Minister, David Laws MP, to Swindon to showcase one of the Town's most remarkable schools.Justin first visited Seven Fields Primary School in Penhill in 2011 and was so impressed that he immediately invited the Minister to come and see the incredible difference that the schools makes to the lives of its pupils.Seven Fields is special because the odds are so against it. 100% of its pupils are classified as living in poverty and children enter nursery typically 12...

Justin Visits Even Swindon School

Justin Visits Even Swindon School

Justin Tomlinson MP recently visited Even Swindon Primary School to give the school assembly the opportunity to pass its very own Parliamentary Bill. Justin spoke a little on the campaigns he has championed in Parliament - school libraries, school sport and financial education for young people, all of which the children thought were good campaigns. They then had to pick their favourite and whilst every campaign had its keen supporters, school sport won by an overwhelming majority. One side of th...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 5th July 2013

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 5th July 2013

  I am often asked by fellow local residents about what life as an MP is like.  Yes there is the legislation and being on hand to help residents in need, both of which form a core part of what I was elected to do, bit to this I add a third important role, being a cheerleader for Swindon. Just yesterday we had the Schools Minister, David Laws, visit Sevenfields in Penhill at my invitation.  I first visited back in 2011 and was so impressed I wanted the Minister to come and see, to see Swindon lea...

Justin Tomlinson MP Calls On Kids To Get Active

Justin Tomlinson MP Calls On Kids To Get Active

Youngsters in Swindon must be given the chance to get active for an hour each day if the area is ever to call time on childhood obesity, says Justin Tomlinson MP.He has joined some of the UK's other top politicians, including Public Health Minister Anna Soubry, at a summit meeting convened by the British Heart Foundation (BHF) to discuss how to fight the causes of childhood obesity.The latest figures from the National Child Measurement Programme show 18.9% per cent of Year 6 children in Swindon ...

MP Gets Paddling For Rescued Bears

MP Gets Paddling For Rescued Bears

Glorious sunshine greeted the Rotary Club of Swindon Dragon Boat Race at Coate Water on Sunday.  Dozens of teams lined up for the competition, set to raise money for various local charities, with the crowds lined up to cheer them on!  Justin Tomlinson MP and his wife Jo joined the Swindon Animal Asia team, helping to raise money for their very own rescue bear Zebedee.  Justin said, “It was great fun and we took part in three qualifying rounds, but unfortunately we didn’t make the final.  I think...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 28th June 2013

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 28th June 2013

Last year, the Government received £22,400 in taxes per household in the UK.  It spent £25,871.  The difference - £3471 - was borrowed. This is the story of a generation.  We inherited a country that had long lived beyond its means, with money borrowed every year to plug the gap.  Imagine borrowing £3471 every year with no means to pay it back, where would your family be after 10 years?  The answer is simple – bankrupt – and that is where this country was in 2010. We have turned things round.  T...

Justin Welcomes Initiatives To Help Stop Illegal Wildlife Trade

Justin Welcomes Initiatives To Help Stop Illegal Wildlife Trade

President Barack Obama announced a new Presidential Task Force on Wildlife Trafficking led by the Interior, State, and Justice Departments, and $10 million of new support for regional and bilateral training and technical assistance in Africa to combat wildlife trafficking. Both former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and current Secretary of State John Kerry have identified the issue as a priority for greater international cooperation. The president of Gabon, the president of the African Devel...