Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



Local MP Welcomes Minister To Swindon To Discuss Library Trust

Local MP Welcomes Minister To Swindon To Discuss Library Trust

Yesterday Justin Tomlinson MP invited Rob Wilson, the Libraries Minister, to Swindon to meet with Swindon Borough Council regarding the future of local libraries. It follows the meeting that took place in London towards the end of last year (http://www.justintomlinson.com/news/3716-swindon-advertiser-weekly-article-2nd-december)The meeting was an opportunity to get an update on the work to explore all options to protect our vital library network. This included a progress update on setting up a L...

North Swindon MP Welcomes Addition Of New Highly Accessible Restroom

North Swindon MP Welcomes Addition Of New Highly Accessible Restroom

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson, has welcomed the addition of a new highly accessible restroom and changing facility at the Orbital Shopping Park. The new facility is supported by the Changing Places charity and seeks to address the fact the at least 250,000 people across the UK have varying levels of difficulty using even standard disabled toilets. Located by the shopping park’s customer services hub and near Justin Tomlinson’s office, the facilities allow people with profound and multiple le...

Justin Brings Ministers To Swindon For Schools & Libraries Visits

Justin Brings Ministers To Swindon For Schools & Libraries Visits

Yesterday I was very pleased to welcome Nick Gibb MP, the Minister for Schools to Swindon after I had invited him to come and see some of the excellent progress being made in two of our local schools.At Swindon Academy, the Minister was very impressed with the Grammar Stream programme which provides the opportunity for 30 pupils each year to master their academic talents through a challenging and rigorous curriculum. The pupils who have come from all over Swindon, benefit from a partnership with...

Local MP Supports New Trust For Cervical Cancer Prevention Week

Local MP Supports New Trust For Cervical Cancer Prevention Week

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has pledged his support to Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust’s in its efforts to increase action for more women to take cervical cancer screenings. Each year over 3,200 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer and 890 sadly lose their lives. Unfortunately screening for cervical cancer is at a 19 year low, despite increasing numbers of women diagnosed with the disease. The campaign is geared toward saving lives through early detection with 5 million screening opportunit...

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes New Modern Industrial Strategy

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes New Modern Industrial Strategy

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has welcomed a Green Paper on a new modern Industrial Strategy which will support businesses in Swindon and the South West to grow and create more high skilled, high paid jobs for local people. The Industrial Strategy will ensure that everyone can benefit from success through ten ‘pillars’ – including investing in science, research and innovation, and upgrading infrastructure – that underpin a new approach and will identify all of the new opportunities across ou...

Justin Tomlinson MP Supports Launch Of Employment Report To Help People With Hearing Loss Into Work

Justin Tomlinson MP Supports Launch Of Employment Report To Help People With Hearing Loss Into Work

Local MP Justin Tomlinson attended the Westminster launch of a new campaign by Action on Hearing Loss (formerly RNID) in Parliament aiming to break down the barriers that people with a hearing loss face when trying to find employment.The charity launched their new employment report, Working for change, improving attitudes to hearing loss in the workplace, which urges businesses and Government to work closer together to help people with a hearing loss to find and stay in work. Currently there are...

Justin Comments On Prime Minister's Plan For Brexit

Justin Comments On Prime Minister's Plan For Brexit

Since the referendum last June, I have been inundated with correspondence from both sides of the debate; on the one hand asking for the referendum result to be overturned, to the other demanding that article 50 is triggered immediately. I have had lots of cups of tea with residents who have come to my office to chew over the issue with me in person. Thankfully, Theresa May delivered a clear and decisive speech earlier this week to deliver a plan to shape a brighter future for our country, to mak...

VIDEO: North Swindon MP Praises National Citizen Service in Parliament

VIDEO: North Swindon MP Praises National Citizen Service in Parliament

Local MP Justin Tomlinson has taken part in a debate in Parliament on the National Citizen Service (NCS). The program exists to bring the country together by building stronger, more integrated communities and fostering understanding between young people from different backgrounds. Justin highlighted that since the 2009 pilots, nearly 300,000 young people have benefitted from the opportunity and 93,000 did so in 2016 alone. Justin also urged that information should be extended to schools, to remi...