Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



Local MP Welcomes News That Banks Are Contributing More Tax Than Under Labour

Local MP Welcomes News That Banks Are Contributing More Tax Than Under Labour

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has welcomed the news that banks are paying more tax now than they were under Labour.Figures from HMRC, PAYE and Corporate Tax receipts from the banking sector, show that banks are paying 58% more tax then they were in 2009/10 under Labour.HMRC data also shows that the average annual amount of tax paid by the banking sector between 2010/11 and 2016/17 was £23.2 billion - 13% higher than the average annual amount of £20.5 billion paid by the banks between 2005/06...

VIDEO: Justin Tomlinson Asks What More The Government Is Doing To Encourage Investment In UK Car Plants

VIDEO: Justin Tomlinson Asks What More The Government Is Doing To Encourage Investment In UK Car Plants

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has asked the Government what more it is doing to encourage investment in UK car plants.The question was asked during questions to the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Greg Clark.During his answer, the Secretary of State welcomed the role that Honda and BMW, who have factories in Swindon, have had in the Government’s Automotive Deal.The deal ensures that the UK continues to reap the benefits from the transition to ultra-low and ze...

VIDEO: Justin Tomlinson Praises Swindon Academy's Successful Grammar Stream Programme

VIDEO: Justin Tomlinson Praises Swindon Academy's Successful Grammar Stream Programme

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson, and Minister for School Standards Nick Gibb MP, have praised Swindon Academy's highly successful grammar stream programme in the House of Commons. The initiative is an Academic Stream which will educate the most academically able students across Swindon. The Academy has partnered with top independent school Marlborough College to provide places for students to enjoy a highly academic based in, and part of, Swindon Academy. The aim of the scheme is to:  Be a jo...

North Swindon MP Supports New Cancer Workforce Plan

North Swindon MP Supports New Cancer Workforce Plan

Justin Tomlinson, MP for North Swindon, has welcomed the announcement of a new Cancer Workforce Plan. Current cancer survival rates are at a record high, with 7,000 more people surviving cancer than if mortality rates had stayed at 2010 levels. It is thought that this year 2,100 more people will survive cancer than last year.Since 2010 there has been a 49% increase in diagnostic tests, with 970,000 more people seeing specialists and 57,000 more people starting treatment.The Government wants to b...

Local MP Backs Campaign To End Puppy Smuggling

Local MP Backs Campaign To End Puppy Smuggling

Justin Tomlinson MP has highlighted the plight of smuggled puppies, imported to fuel the Christmas puppy tradeLast week Dogs Trust, the UK’s largest dog welfare charity – invited a host of MPs and Peers, including Justin, to its annual House of Commons reception, where the charity – who coined the famous slogan – ‘A dog is for Life, not just for Christmas’ asked MPs for their support in the fight against Puppy Smuggling.Dogs Trust has been investigating the problem since 2014, and through three ...

North Swindon MP Welcomes Major Announcements On Mental Health Support For Children & Young People

North Swindon MP Welcomes Major Announcements On Mental Health Support For Children & Young People

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has welcomed the Government’s announcement of a Green Paper on improving mental health support for children and young people.Around 1 in 10 children in the UK have been diagnosed with a mental health condition, such as anxiety or an eating disorder – which can have a devastating impact on their physical health, their relationships and their future prospects. The Green Paper announced by the Government will focus on earlier intervention and prevention to make sur...

Swindon Advertiser Column: We Must Crack Down On Puppy Smuggling

Swindon Advertiser Column: We Must Crack Down On Puppy Smuggling

A few months ago I nominated Swindon charity SMASH (Swindon Mentoring and Self-Help) for a Kids Count Inspiration Award, and earlier this week I was delighted to present them with Highly Commended in the ‘Best Contribution by a Community Group’ category in Parliament.SMASH does amazing work mentoring children and young people who may be struggling due to their personal circumstances. The charity and its volunteer mentors work to build their confidence and help them achieve their potential by arr...

Local MP Celebrates As SMASH Are Highly Commended At Prestigious 10th Annual Kids Count Inspiration Ceremony

Local MP Celebrates As SMASH Are Highly Commended At Prestigious 10th Annual Kids Count Inspiration Ceremony

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has joined representatives from Swindon charity SMASH at a ceremony in Parliament to recognise their efforts at the ‘Kids Count Inspiration Awards’ alongside Education Secretary Justine Greening.SMASH (Swindon Mentoring and Self-Help) is a local Swindon charity which supports young people and children through two programmes: Swindon Youth Mentoring (ages 13-19) and Memory Makers (ages 9-12). They work to provide guidance for young people who may be struggling du...

Justin Welcomes News That Reading Standards Are The ‘Best In A Generation'

Justin Welcomes News That Reading Standards Are The ‘Best In A Generation'

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has welcomed the news that reading standards in England are the best in a generation, according to The International Reading Literacy Study.In 2010 we announced that all schools would be required to use phonics to teach children to read and since then England has risen to joint 8th in the world for reading standards – improving the reading level of pupils from all backgroundsThe International Reading Literacy Study is carried out every 5 years and monitors the r...

Local MP Hosts Business West Meeting

Local MP Hosts Business West Meeting

Justin Tomlinson MP hosted another Business West meeting at his office last week where both MPs, councillors and business representatives were in attendance.Business West is a not-for-profit company with 200 staff that works with local businesses to help make the South West a decent place to live and work. They host meetings with Swindon business representatives where they receive an update from MPs as well as the council on both national and local issues.Both Justin and Robert discussed the ong...