Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



Unemployment Continues To Fall Across UK Whilst Number Of Claimants In Swindon Is Below National Average

Unemployment Continues To Fall Across UK Whilst Number Of Claimants In Swindon Is Below National Average

North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson has welcomed the news that shows unemployment continuing to fall across the UK, with Swindon in particular powering ahead, having a lower and lower unemployment rate and a claimant count well below the national average. Following new employment statistics from the Department of Work and Pensions for the month of December 2016, it shows an overall drop in the number of JSA claimants in Swindon has fallen by 110 in the past month. The claimant rate nationally ha...

North Swindon MP Welcomes Swindon College Students To Parliament

North Swindon MP Welcomes Swindon College Students To Parliament

Justin Tomlinson MP yesterday hosted students from Swindon College in Parliament to encourage young people to participate more in the political process. Students from the college had the opportunity to tour the Houses of Parliament. They saw for themselves how the legislative process works and some of the roles that Justin has in representing them in Parliament. Once they had finished their tour, the students had the opportunity to meet with Justin and put their questions to him. In these Q&...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 13th January

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 13th January

This week I was delighted to table a debate in Parliament, which received cross-party support and extensive media coverage, on the allocation of funding from the soft drinks industry levy for sport in schools. We face an obesity crises in this country with the UK having one of the highest overall obesity rates amongst developed countries. Nearly a third of children leaving Primary School are overweight or obese. In my eyes this is a devastating situation. One that we need to tackle urgently, oth...

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes Funds To Fix Potholes

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes Funds To Fix Potholes

The North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson, has welcomed news that Swindon’s road-users will benefit from a dedicated £194,000 pothole fund, which will keep the country moving and build a country that works for everyone. This money will build on the £163,000 which Swindon received last year.This cash is part of a £1.2 billion fund for local road that the Conservative Government is allocating to councils to repair and rebuild our transport links. This funding will improve roads, cut congestion and im...

North Swindon MP Visits Exciting FreeDog Trampoline Park

North Swindon MP Visits Exciting FreeDog Trampoline Park

Local MP Justin Tomlinson has visited Swindon’s Freedog trampoline park in Kembrey Park.Justin, who is a renowned supporter of local sports and activities, was shown all of the facilities by the centre manager including the dodgeball courts, basketball area and snack shack. The centre hosts fitness classes Monday-Friday as well as kids parties and corporate events.Freedog is also based in Bristol and has plans to open up across the South West. It’s ethos is described as: allowing people the free...

VIDEO: Local MP Leads Debate On Best Ways To Deliver School Sport From Sugar Tax Revenue

VIDEO: Local MP Leads Debate On Best Ways To Deliver School Sport From Sugar Tax Revenue

Local MP Justin Tomlinson has led an important debate in Parliament on the best ways to spend the monies that will be raised by the forthcoming Soft Drinks Industry Levy, better known as the Sugar Tax, on sport in schools.Last year the Government announced that, by 2018, soft drinks producers will have to reduce the level of artificial sugars in their drinks or face having to pay a tax towards to the public health costs. The move followed evidence that obesity & connected health conditions a...

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes New Mental Health Support For Local Schools In Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes New Mental Health Support For Local Schools In Swindon

The North Swindon MP & former Minister for Disabled People, Justin Tomlinson, has welcomed new measures to transform the way we approach and deal with mental health in Swindon so more children and young people receive support and care.There will be new support for every secondary school in Swindon. Each school will be offered mental health first aid training to increase awareness around mental health and help to tackle the unacceptable stigma around the issue. To support this initiative, new...