Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



Over 100 Leaders Make Landmark Pledge To End Deforestation At COP26

Over 100 Leaders Make Landmark Pledge To End Deforestation At COP26

In the biggest step forward in protecting the world’s forests in a generation, more than 100 leaders will commit to halt and reverse forest loss and land degradation by 2030 at an event convened by the Prime Minister at COP26 today. The pledge is backed by almost £14 billion ($19.2 billion) in public and private funding. Countries spanning from the northern forests of Canada and Russia to the tropical rainforests of Brazil, Colombia, Indonesia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo will endors...

Over Eight Million People In The UK Receive COVID-19 Booster Jabs

Over Eight Million People In The UK Receive COVID-19 Booster Jabs

Over eight million people have now received their COVID-19 booster jab, the latest figures show today (Monday 1 November 2021), ensuring the protection they’ve secured from their first two doses is maintained over the winter months. Today’s figures follow hundreds of thousands of vaccinations over the weekend, with more than 820,000 administered since Friday. People who are eligible are also able to get a booster at hundreds of walk-in sites across the country from today, as long as it’s been si...

Over A Million Jobseekers To Benefit From New Training Opportunities

Over A Million Jobseekers To Benefit From New Training Opportunities

Over a million jobseekers could benefit from extra training following the latest changes to Universal Credit, helping fill vacancies from the care sector to the engineering industry. Across Great Britain, Universal Credit claimants can attend full-time work-related training courses for up to 12 weeks while still receiving benefit payments, following an extension to the rule changes around the Department for Work and Pensions’ Train and Progress (TaP) initiative. Before the DWP Train and Progress...

UK Donates 20 Million More Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccines To Countries In Need

UK Donates 20 Million More Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccines To Countries In Need

- New donation to be delivered by the end of 2021 as part of UK’s 100 million commitment - Further donations in 2022 will mean entire UK Janssen supply and half of UK Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccines will have been donated to countries in need - PM will call on fellow G20 leaders to vaccinate the world by the end of next year A further ten million Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccines have been sent by the UK to COVAX, with 10 million more due to be delivered in the coming weeks to some of the world’s most vul...

Swindon Advertiser Column - A Strong Budget For Uncertain Times

Swindon Advertiser Column - A Strong Budget For Uncertain Times

All eyes were on the Chancellor Rishi Sunak this week as he delivered his budget – which promised a stronger post-Covid economy for the British people. Firstly, it was a huge relief to hear that the economy is recovering faster than predicted, with the Office of Budget Responsibility forecasting the economy to return to pre-covid levels at the turn of the year. The OBR has also revised down their scarring assumption - meaning we have been successful at preventing a lot of the long-term economic...

Budget Shows How The Conservative Government Is Delivering A Stronger Economy For People In Swindon

Budget Shows How The Conservative Government Is Delivering A Stronger Economy For People In Swindon

The Chancellor Rishi Sunak promised a stronger post Covid economy for the British people as he outlined spending for the next year in the Autumn Budget. There was good news as the Chancellor announced that the Covid recovery has been faster than predicted – with the Office of Budget Responsibility revising up its growth prediction from 4% to 6.5%. In addition to this, at the height of the pandemic, unemployment was expected to peak at 12%. Today, the OBR expect unemployment to peak at 5.2% - mea...

£65 Million Support Package For Vulnerable Renters

£65 Million Support Package For Vulnerable Renters

- Low income households to benefit from £65 million support package - Funding comes on top of £500 million helping vulnerable families with essentials over winter - Ban on evictions during the pandemic and other support has made sure vast majority of households are up to date with rent Vulnerable renters struggling due to the impact of the pandemic will be helped by a £65 million support package announced by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities today (23 October 2021). The fu...

Swindon Advertiser Column - A Week Of Shock, Anger And Despair

Swindon Advertiser Column - A Week Of Shock, Anger And Despair

It has been an emotional week for everybody working across Parliament & constituencies. A mixture of shock, sadness, despair and anger all rolled into one. It brought many memories back of 2016 when Jo Cox MP was cruelly murdered on the streets as she served her constituents. I had the honour of knowing both Jo & David and all of my thoughts at the moment are with their families – I cannot imagine what they are going through. It has been very touching to see the incredible amount of tri...

UK Agrees Historic Trade Deal With New Zealand

UK Agrees Historic Trade Deal With New Zealand

- Prime Minister seals free trade deal with New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern  - Boost to British exporters and small businesses as both countries ditch tariffs and cut red tape -More opportunities to live and work in New Zealand and deeper cooperation on digital trade and climate change A comprehensive trade agreement with New Zealand will cut red tape for businesses, end tariffs on UK exports and create new opportunities for tech and services companies, while making it easier for UK professionals ...

Justin Discusses Climate Change With Swindon Climate Action Network

Justin Discusses Climate Change With Swindon Climate Action Network

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson met with Swindon Climate Action Network (SCAN) to discuss the most pressing issues concerning the environment. Justin meets with SCAN regularly – not only for them to flag their concerns, but also so he can update the group on the work the Government is doing to support the environment. The main focus of the meeting was the upcoming COP26 climate summit in Glasgow, which will see representatives from a number of countries to develop a plan to tackle the issue ...