Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



Justin Tomlinson MP Hosts Seminar On Future Of E Books

Justin Tomlinson MP Hosts Seminar On Future Of E Books

Last Wednesday (24th October) Justin Tomlinson MP hosted a seminar on e-books in the House of Commons. The seminar, entitled ‘The Last Page or a New Chapter for Libraries and Publishers’ brought together various stakeholders in the library world to discuss the opportunities and challenges faced by libraries in light of the rise of the e-book. Sales of e-books rose 366% in 2011, to £92 million, and now consist of 8% of the market. I have no doubt that this figure will continue to rise day by day....

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes Success Of Swindon Summer Reading Challenge

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes Success Of Swindon Summer Reading Challenge

Justin Tomlinson MP today welcomed news from the Swindon Libraries that their Summer Reading Challenge continues to flourish. The Summer Reading Challenge is a national strategy for reader development, coordinated by The Reading Agency. It aims to help get young children reading over the long summer holidays to prevent the reading ‘dip’ when children return to school in September. This year’s Swindon Story Lab theme tied in with the Olympics, which certainly proved popular. • 3,360 children join...

Justin Tomlinson MP Supports Financial Education At Money For Life Event

Justin Tomlinson MP Supports Financial Education At Money For Life Event

Justin Tomlinson MP showed his support for the award-winning personal money skills programme, Money for Life, which targets Further Education (FE), Adult and Community learners in North Swindon at the programme’s Westminster reception yesterday.Money for Life, supported by Lloyds Banking Group, delivers vital money management training to people and communities who need it most. By providing accredited, free-of-charge financial education training to college staff and community workers Money for L...

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes Town Centre Boost

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes Town Centre Boost

Justin Tomlinson MP at a retailers forum he set up for Town Centre businessesSwindon’s new ‘Town Team’ was given an official blessing yesterday as Minister for Housing, Mark Prisk MP, announced it had been signed up for central government support, enabling Swindon to create a more successful and innovative town centre.Minister for Housing Mark Prisk MP confirmed that Swindon would be one of the UK’s first official Town Teams, and said “There's a real hunger in town centres across the country...

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes Action On Food Labelling

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes Action On Food Labelling

Consumers will be able to make healthier choices about the food they eat with the introduction of a new, consistent system of front of pack labelling, Health Minister Anna Soubry announced today.The announcement of the proposed system - a combination of guideline daily amounts (GDA), colour coding and high/medium/low text - comes after a three-month consultation with retailers, manufacturers and other interested parties on what a consistent, clear front of pack label should look like.Many retail...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article

Before I became an MP I ran a small business here in Swindon for ten years. Every penny that I spent, I scrutinised to ensure that it was being spent well. Every business, from my wife’s small pet care company right through to the biggest multinational corporations, are meticulous with their spending; after all, it is their money. I do not see why it should be any different in Government, yet sadly, often it is. 

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes Plans To Mark WWI Centenary

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes Plans To Mark WWI Centenary

Justin Tomlinson MP with Chelsea Pensioners at an event in Parliament about the CentenaryJustin Tomlinson MP today welcomed the Government’s plans to mark the centenary of the First World War.The plans will have three vital elements: a massive transformation of the Imperial War Museum; a major programme of national commemorative events, properly funded and with the status they deserve; and an educational programme to create an enduring legacy for generations to come.There will be national commem...

Justin Tomlinson MP Elected To Public Accounts Select Committee

Justin Tomlinson MP Elected To Public Accounts Select Committee

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has been elected unopposed by fellow Parliamentarians to sit on the Public Accounts Committee.The prestigious Commons Select Committee examines the way in which government spends money, focusing on securing value-for-money for the taxpayer and economy, efficiency and effectiveness in government spending.With a background as a small business owner and as a former Swindon Borough Councillor, during which time as Lead Member for Leisure, he delivered the brand new ...

Justin Tomlinson MP Secures Ministerial Visit For Local Charity

Justin Tomlinson MP Secures Ministerial Visit For Local Charity

Alan Duncan MP and Justin Tomlinson MP with the team from Lights for LearningJustin Tomlinson MP today secured a visit to local charity Lights For Learning from International Development Minister, Alan Duncan MP.The charity design, manufacture and install, low energy solar/wing powered LED lighting systems for use in schools and hospitals in some of the poorest corners of the world. The lighting systems they have already installed have made a huge difference to hundreds of lives – allowing child...

Minister Visits Nova Hreod School

Minister Visits Nova Hreod School

Alan Duncan MP and Justin Tomlinson MP with Nova pupilsInternational Development Minister, Alan Duncan MP, today visited Nova Hreod school in North Swindon to celebrate the ‘Connecting Classrooms’ project that has seen schools like Nova across the country team up with a school in a developing country to share their experiences.Nova Hreod have partnered with Harry Cressy High School in one of the poorest parts of Cape Town, South Africa. The schools have shared experiences in many different subje...