Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



Justin Highlights New Data Showing Employment Remains At A Record High

Justin Highlights New Data Showing Employment Remains At A Record High

New independent jobs figures show the fundamentals of the British economy remain robust, with employment at a joint record high, and unemployment at its lowest for over 40 years – news which has been welcomed by North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson.The employment rate currently stands at 76.1%, up from 75.6% this time last year. There are 357,000 more people in employment than last year, with 402,000 more people in full-time jobs – meaning the annual increase in jobs is down entirely to full-time j...

Justin Hosts Launch Of The Successful Summer Reading Challenge

Justin Hosts Launch Of The Successful Summer Reading Challenge

Local MP & former Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Libraries, Justin Tomlinson, has once again hosted the Parliamentary launch of The Reading Agency’s incredibly popular Summer Reading Challenge. The Summer Reading Challenge is designed to encourage all primary-age children to use the school holidays to read for fun. It is a unique partnership between The Reading Agency and public libraries across the UK which last year saw over three quarters of a million children borrowing, ...

Local MP Shows His Support For Swindon Carers Centre's Annual 'Walk A Mile In My Shoes' Event

Local MP Shows His Support For Swindon Carers Centre's Annual 'Walk A Mile In My Shoes' Event

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson showed his support for carers in Swindon as he joined the Swindon Carers Centre for the annual ‘Walk a Mile in My Shoes’ event.It was the fifth time Justin has taken part in the event, which aims to help raise money and awareness for carers in Swindon. Starting at the Pilgrim Centre, supporters walked through the town centre, after which they enjoyed refreshments and entertainment.The event is a national initiative which kicks off Carers Week - an annual campaig...

Justin Uses Ministerial Role To Help Plan For Purple Tuesday

Justin Uses Ministerial Role To Help Plan For Purple Tuesday

Plans for this year's 'Purple Tuesday' are well underway as Justin Tomlinson, North Swindon MP and Minister for Disabilities, Health and Work, met with key retailers to discuss plans.Justin co-chaired the meeting with DWP Retail Sector Champion Samantha Sen, during which they discussed the exciting plans for Purple Tuesday in November.Purple Tuesday is an international event which aims to encourage businesses to improve experiences for disabled customers.It is estimated that around the world. th...

North Swindon MP Visits Special Exhibition To Mark D Day

North Swindon MP Visits Special Exhibition To Mark D Day

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson visited a special exhibition at the Royal British Legion to mark the 75th Anniversary of D-Day.The pop-up gallery was opened at the Royal British Legion shop in the town centre and contained photographs taken on the D-Day beeches taken by a local man, as well a pictures of US troops stationed in Swindon. The photographs included one from a landing craft looking across one of the beaches, as well as portraits of two US soldiers who had been billeted in Swindon.Th...

GP Hub Update - 10 June

GP Hub Update - 10 June

Last week I met with the Chair of the Swindon Clinical Commissioning Group following the announcement that IMH would be withdrawing from Swindon.I have also been in regular contact with the Care Quality Commission following my meeting with them the week before.So what happens next now that IMH have said they are withdrawing?For the immediate term, IMH have said that they will have a phased exit whilst the CCG work to find a local solution. Obviously the sooner this solution can be found the bett...

VIDEO: Justin Tomlinson Responds As Minister To Cross Party Debate On Hidden & Invisible Disabilites

VIDEO: Justin Tomlinson Responds As Minister To Cross Party Debate On Hidden & Invisible Disabilites

Justin Tomlinson MP has used his role as the Minister for Disabled People, Work and Health, to throw his support behind the campaign to improve knowledge about hidden or invisible disabilities.The North Swindon MP was speaking as he responded on behalf of the Government to cross party debate in the House of Commons. In particular, Justin spoke about his desire to work with MPs in all parties to break down barriers to accessibility and encourage people to do more to educate those who do not under...

Justin Works With MPs From Across Parliament To Improve Knowledge Of Invisible Disabilities

Justin Works With MPs From Across Parliament To Improve Knowledge Of Invisible Disabilities

North Swindon MP, and Minister for Work, Health & Disabilities has given his support to a new disability sign which aims to include people with non-visible disabilities.The initiative is being led by East Lothian MP Martin Whitfield with cross-party support - and aims to remind the public that there are people with non-visible disabilities who need to use disabled facilities.His campaign follows the experience of one of his young constituents who has Crohn’s Disease and found herself confron...

North Swindon MP Welcomes Ferndale School Student Council To Parliament

North Swindon MP Welcomes Ferndale School Student Council To Parliament

Justin Tomlinson MP has welcomed the Student Council from Ferndale School to Westminster to help them learn more about his role as their MP and how Parliament works. The North Swindon MP regularly visits all of the schools across the constituency, conducting enjoyable & interactive assemblies where students get the opportunity to pass their own School Parliamentary Bill.During the visit, pupils from the successful Student Council enjoyed a tour of both the House of Commons & House of Lor...

Swindon Advertiser Column: The Courage & Humility Of Those Who Fought On D Day Should Be A Lesson To Us All

Swindon Advertiser Column: The Courage & Humility Of Those Who Fought On D Day Should Be A Lesson To Us All

Yesterday marked the 75th Anniversary of D-Day, the largest seaborne invasion in history which saw allied forces land in Normandy to begin the liberation of Europe from the Nazis.It was an operation on an unprecedented scale: 18,000 airborne soldiers, 7,000 naval vessels, 137,000 ground troops – not to mention the tireless work of the French resistance in the lead up to D-Day. Just five days later, 326,000 troops, 50,000 vehicles and some 100,000 tons of equipment had arrived on French land. Sad...