Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



Justin Welcomes Increased Support For Those Affected By Domestic Abuse

Justin Welcomes Increased Support For Those Affected By Domestic Abuse

Thousands of people fleeing domestic abuse will be given greater protections under new measures announced by the Government.Under the proposals, local authorities will have a legal duty to ensure that survivors of domestic abuse are provided life-saving support in secure accommodation. The move aims to end the variation in support across local authorities and provide consistency across the country.There will also be a requirement for local authorities to work together to ensure that the needs of...

North Swindon MP Celebrates Success Of Local Engineering Specialist Powertrain

North Swindon MP Celebrates Success Of Local Engineering Specialist Powertrain

Local MP Justin Tomlinson was full of praise as he visited a custom motor-engineering company and raised the importance of research & development into zero-emissions technologies as a means of combatting climate change. Swindon Powertrain, based near Greenbridge, specialise in the fine-tuning of high-specification engines in order to get maximum performance, with many of their clients coming from the world of motorsport.Justin was introduced to the team of engineers during his visit, who cou...

GP Hub Update - 17 May

GP Hub Update - 17 May

For the last 3 weeks I have been aware that the call waiting times for the medical hub have become completely unacceptable.During these few weeks, I have been in daily correspondence with the Better Health Partnership (who run the hub), the Care Quality Commission (CQC), the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) & local residents. My office has been collating every piece of information that I have been sent in order to ensure that these problems are raised & that these bodies are kept aware...

Swindon Advertiser Column: I Am Proud That The UK Leads The Way On Animal Welfare

Swindon Advertiser Column: I Am Proud That The UK Leads The Way On Animal Welfare

If there’s one thing that unites us as a country, it’s our love of animals.From the pets we have as companions, to the great creatures of the jungles & oceans; not only does our love for these animals unite us - so does our anger towards those who abuse or mistreat them.Over the years I have received correspondence from thousands of Swindon residents regarding a wide range of different animal welfare issues. It’s an issue I’m just as passionate about, and I’m proud that we are such big anima...

North Swindon MP Welcomes New Data Showing Record Numbers Of People In Work

North Swindon MP Welcomes New Data Showing Record Numbers Of People In Work

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has welcomed news that there are now nearly 1 million more disabled people in work compared to five years ago, thanks to the Government’s efforts to improve access to work for disabled people.Since 2014 the number of disabled people in work has risen from 44% to 52% - meaning there are now more disabled people in employment than not.Justin, who is the Minister of State for Disabled People, Health and Work, said: “I meet many people with disabilities who are very...

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes New Law To Ban Puppy Farming

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes New Law To Ban Puppy Farming

Justin Tomlinson MP has celebrated the news this week that a law to ban third-party puppy and kitten sales - which he has actively lobbied Ministers for, and led debates to secure, over past few years -  has been presented to Parliament.The news follows years of campaigning to strengthen the law regarding the selling of puppies and kittens, to ensure that all breeders meet the highest welfare standards.The current law governing the breeding & sales of pets have become outdated, saying that p...

North Swindon MP Meets Local Farmers To Discuss The Future Of Agriculture

North Swindon MP Meets Local Farmers To Discuss The Future Of Agriculture

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson visited Roundhill Farm to meet with local farmer Adrian Hares and National Farmers Union representative Andi Witcombe.The National Farmers' Union is the largest body representing farmers, and speaks up for 55,000 farmers across England and Wales – nearly 1,000 of which are in Wiltshire. The meeting allowed Adrian and Andi the chance to outline issues affecting farming in Wiltshire such as; Brexit, the Agriculture Bill, and Rural Crime. Justin was able to outline...

North Swindon MP Joins Quiz To Raise Funds For Wiltshire Air Ambulance

North Swindon MP Joins Quiz To Raise Funds For Wiltshire Air Ambulance

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson joined residents at The Jovial Monk for a quiz night in aid of the Wiltshire Air Ambulance.The event was organised by The Ridge Coffee Club to support the charity and its work providing vital emergency assistance to seriously injured and very ill people.The air ambulance can reach a patient 11 minutes from the first call, and makes an average of three life saving missions a day. It costs over £10,000 a day to keep the helicopters flying; equating to around £3.75...

Justin Calls On Employers To Do More To Make Mental Health A Priority In The Workplace

Justin Calls On Employers To Do More To Make Mental Health A Priority In The Workplace

Undeniably there has been real, long overdue culture change around mental health in recent years. But in the same week that Great British Bake Off winner Nadiya Hussain has spoken candidly about her battle with anxiety, thousands of people will take time off because they just can’t face going into work.Stigma still exists – and often it’s in the workplace that we feel least comfortable being open about our own mental health.We’ve all seen the evidence about how endemic poor mental health is, wit...

North Swindon MP Welcomes New Law To Ban Use Of Wild Animals In Circuses

North Swindon MP Welcomes New Law To Ban Use Of Wild Animals In Circuses

A new law to ban the use of wild animals in circuses has been announced by the Environment Secretary, Michael Gove.The Wild Animals in Circuses Bill will mean circus operators will no longer be able to use wild animals as part of a travelling circus and follows last year’s commitment from the Government to introduce a ban by the time existing licencing legislation expires in January 2020.The move has been welcomed by North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson, who has campaigned for the ban since the beg...