Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

03/12/12 - Swindon MPs Call for Improved Services For Disabled People

Justin and Rob with Sally Phillips

Swindon MPs Justin Tomlinson and Robert Buckland this week celebrated International Day of Disabled People at a Christmas parliamentary reception hosted by the disability charity Scope to mark its new campaign calling for better local services for disabled children and their families.

The Town’s MPs were also joined at the reception by Scope’s celebrity supporter actress and comedienne Sally Phillips (‘Miranda’, ‘Bridget Jones’s Diary’, ‘Smack The Pony’, ‘Clare in the Community’).

Taking centre stage during the reception was a giant Christmas tree adorned with handmade ‘wish stars’ decorated by members of the public and inscribed with messages to the MPs stating why supporting disabled children and their families matters. To date over 20,000 members of the public have called on their MP to urge the Government to guarantee families with disabled children better support through the Children and Families’ Bill which is currently passing through Parliament.

Research carried out by Scope shows that 62% of families with disabled children are not getting critical support such as childcare or nursery places, appropriate schools, essential therapies or even healthcare in their local area.

Scope is calling on the Government to be bolder and go further to plug the gap in services that families with disabled children currently experience by including a new principle in the Children and Families Bill.

Robert Buckland MP said “It is unacceptable that so many families with disabled children have to battle to get the support they need. This is a gap that we recognise and we have a fantastic opportunity through the Children and Families Bill to transform support for disabled children and their families.”

Justin Tomlinson MP said “We are lucky in Swindon that we have some very good services to help families. Both Robert and I are committed to ensuring we take the steps needed to make these services even better and improve the support available for disabled children in Swindon.”

Scope celebrity supporter and actress and comedienne Sally Phillips added: “My eldest son has Down’s Syndrome so I have first-hand experience of how debilitating the fight can be to get necessary services for disabled children. I’m delighted to help promote Scope’s ‘Keep us Close’ campaign, and back its call for essential services for disabled children.”

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