Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

07/12/12 - Swindon MPs Welcome Minister To Swindon 105.5

Justin and Robert with the Station's two youngest trainees and Minister Ed Vaizey

Justin Tomlinson MP and Robert Buckland MP today welcomed Culture Minister Ed Vaizey to Swindon’s community radio station, Swindon 105.5.

The Minister is currently doing a tour of community radio stations throughout the country and was keen to visit Swindon and meet the many volunteers who help keep the station on air.

Mr Vaizey was met by Justin, Robert and Station Manager Shirley Ludford. He had a tour of the station before spending time meeting each and every one of the volunteers who had turned out to greet him and show him the best of 105.5. The Minister also handed out some station awards to the younger volunteers who are learning the ropes.

Justin Tomlinson MP said “I am hugely supportive of 105.5 and the great community spirit it reflects and generates in Swindon. It brings people from all walks of life together to produce some fantastic shows for the residents of Swindon to enjoy. I was extremely happy to welcome Ed Vaizey MP here today to show him some of the best of what the Swindon community has to offer.”

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