Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

28/12/12 - Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article


2012 has been extremely busy, and the end of the year is a good opportunity to reflect on some of the biggest issues I’ve been campaigning on.


We now have a record 4.2 million self-employed people in the UK, and I am determined to see more young entrepreneurs, tapping into their energy, enthusiasm and understanding of technology.   Young people are inspired by TV programmes such as The Apprentice and Dragon’s Den. I myself studied Business at University, yet I was the only one of 350 students on my course that went on to run my own business, right here in Swindon.  To an extent, I felt that the teaching actually discouraged entrepreneurial flair and drive among the students, with a clear emphasis on joining the traditional corporate ladder.  In contrast, I have been working with Young Enterprise, Scouts, local schools and businesses to offer opportunities for young people to try their hand at running a business.  This is essential to help create the next generation of new jobs.


Working with Martin Lewis of MoneySavingExpert.com and TV maths expert Carol Vorderman, I am still pushing for compulsory financial education for young people.  We have a duty to equip all youngsters with the skills necessary to make informed, savvy financial decisions.  Our campaign has fed into the national curriculum review, supported by our comprehensive report.  In addition, 100,000 people have signed our e-petition and we have had Parliamentary debates with 237 supportive cross-party MPs.  We are expecting the outcomes of the review to be published early in the new year.


Sport can play such a positive role in our community, providing both enjoyment and opportunities for a healthy, active lifestyle.  Building on the ‘Olympics Effect’ I’ll continue working with local sports groups, volunteers and the Swindon Sports Forum to support bids for additional funding.  I welcome the recent announcement from Sport England of £493 million investment over four years for grassroots sport.


Promoting our town is one of the most important aspects of my role and I’m working hard to ensure we’re doing all we can in these challenging economic times. I spend much time meeting local businesses and I am encouraged that we have seen the fastest growth in the South-West.  I will continue to work with Swindon Borough Council, Forward Swindon and InSwindon to help deliver the much-needed town centre regeneration.  We saw with the £65m private investment for the Oasis how attractive Swindon is to developers, and as the economy recovers I’d expect Swindon to be at the front of the queue for retail expansion.


Politics aside, I will always do my very best to continue being both an asset and a champion for Swindon throughout 2013

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