Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Advancing Women In Sport Forum

Gail Emms MBE, Olympic Silver Medallist & Justin Tomlinson MP

Justin Tomlinson MP, who has spoken on many occassions about the benefits of sport in society supported a forum hosted by the All Party Parliamentary Group for Sport.

The event, entitled 'Advancing Women in Sport: How to make the most of major sports events, focusing on the opportunities and challenges for women in the sports arena.'   The following guests gave their views on how major sports events might best be used to promote greater levels of female participation across the sporting spectrum:

Gail Emms MBE Olympic Silver Medallist
Gail is a British Badminton player who has achieved international success at the very top of the game. Along with partner Nathan Robertson she has been No 1 in the world at mixed doubles, became Commonwealth champion and famously won the Olympic Silver Medal in Athens. She has also been individual World Champion – winning the title in 2006. Since retiring Gail has presented sports shows for Sky, Channel 4 and Radio 5Live.

Kelly Simmons Head of National Game, Football Association
Kelly is currently leading the implementation of The FA National Game Strategy which will invest £200 million into grassroots football. Her work in women’s football over many years was recently rewarded with the launch of the FA’s Women’s Super League – the first semi-professional league in women’s team sports. Internationally, Kelly is a member of the UEFA Grassroots Panel and the FIFA Women’s Committee.

Sue Tibballs Chief Executive, WSFF
Sue Tibballs is Chief Executive of the Women’s Sport and Fitness Foundation, the UK based charity aiming to create a nation of active women. Since joining as CEO, Sue has established WSFF as the experts in making physical activity an integral part of women’s lives. Previously Sue has held senior positions with The Body Shop, the Future Foundation and the Fawcett Society.

The meeting was chaired by Baroness Grey-Thompson, who chairs the WSFF’s Commission on the Future of Women’s Sport. The Commission brings together leading figures from sport, business and the media to drive positive change surrounding the leadership, investment and profile of women’s sport.

Justin Tomlinson MP, "This was a fantastic opportunity to explore the challenges and opportunities to drive up sports participation for women, both for enjoyment and for the benefits to their health."

"Having previously been the Lead Member for Leisure on Swindon Borough Council I was keen to promote areas where I felt Local Authorities could help make a difference."

"Local Authorities can help provide a portal with information on the sporting opportunities and clubs in the local area.  Local Authorities either through their own leisure facilities or working with local sports clubs can help promote recruitment, sports leagues and drop in sessions where keen people don't feel they have to sign up to participate every week."

"The setting up of Sports Forums, as we did in Swindon can help lead by sharing best practice, secure external funding to deliver new facilities and offer a wider range of sports - all helping drive up participation."

"Finally, away from organised sports clubs and activities it is essential local authorities increase the provision of accessible, usable open space, where sporting activity can take place informally, building on the 'jumpers for goalposts' mentality."

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