Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

An Update From Justin On Thamesdown Drive

As promised, here is the update following my meeting with Jason Humm, Head of Highways at Swindon Borough Council.

Understandably many residents are frustrated by how long this seems to be taking to sort, myself included! I hosted the public meeting last year (thank you for everyone’s support at that meeting) where it had taken a lot of effort to get the Police Commissioner to sit down with Swindon Borough Council and local residents.

Since then I have been pushing for updates from both sides including today where I have been informed of the following:

  • Swindon Borough Council will be placing 3 sets of CCTV cameras (£50k), including at the Orbital junction, where most of the incidents tend to occur.
  • There will be additional signage promoting the CCTV as a deterrent.
  • The cameras will be monitored by CCTV at SBC who will work in conjunction with the Police to assist enforcement and prosecutions.
  • Road markings are being relined to help enforce lane discipline.
  • The Police have agreed to additional enforcement activity.

I am very encouraged by these promised actions and we will continue to monitor progress, for which we can continue to raise with SBC and the Police.

I have regular meetings with the Highways team, always with a long agenda, so if anybody would like to me raise a specific concern or receive an update on something, then please don’t hesitate to email me on justin.tomlinson.mp@parliament.uk 

P.S Akers Way should re-open by Monday 18th September.

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