Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Commonweal Students Meet Local MP To Discuss Global Education

The plight of millions of young people around the world unable to access education was raised with North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson as pupils from Commonweal School visited Parliament.

Evie Dixon and Stella George – pupils at Commonweal - travelled to London to lobby on behalf of the Send My Friend To School campaign – which aims to see every child in the world receive a quality education.

According to the campaign, 262 million children and young people remain out of school and many that are in school are not learning. Evie and Stella spoke to Justin and asked him to work with the Government to ensure that educational opportunities are available for all children across the world.

Global education is a cause Justin has been working on since becoming an MP, and he was formerly Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on the issue. He has campaigned consistently to improve educational standards across the world, hosting events, chairing meetings, and working with local schools to keep this important issue on the agenda.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “This is an issue that I take incredibly seriously, having chaired the All-Party on this issue in Parliament. There has been some great progress – millions of young people around the world have spoken out and millions more children have benefited from an education. It was great to meet with Evie and Stella and see their passion for this important campaign.”

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