Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Expansion Of Apprenticeship Scheme Welcomed By North Swindon MP

Justin Tomlinson MP speaks to local apprentices on a visit to a construction site in Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP today welcomed the news from Skills Minister John Hayes MP that the Higher Apprenticeship Fund scheme is to be expanded.

The fund was created to accelerate the development and delivery of new Advanced and Higher Apprenticeships, up to degree level.
The demand for such Higher Apprenticeships from employers has exceeded expectations. Last year saw record growth in Apprenticeship numbers, with nearly half a million new Apprenticeship starts. Over 2000 started Higher Apprenticeships, a 47.8% increase on the previous year.

The Higher Apprenticeships Fund has captured the imagination of some of the UK’s biggest employers, which is why the scheme is to be expanded, with a further nine partnerships with employers and training providers. These new partnerships will develop Higher Apprenticeships to open up sectors and occupations where no such Apprenticeship opportunities were previously available. This will give an inspiring and wide-ranging addition to the opportunities available through Apprenticeships.

Higher Apprentices will for the first time have the opportunity to train to degree level in:
• Engineering Environmental Technologies
• Energy and Utilities
• Space Engineering
• Commercial airline pilots
• Retail Management
• Paralegal/Legal Services
• Hospitality Management
• Finance and Accounting Services
• Health and Social Care

At the Fund’s inception in 2011, it was expected to generate degree level opportunities for 10,000 people. Yet with the enthusiasm and commitment seen from key employers, the Government is set to generate 25,000 Higher Apprentices over the next three years.

This radical expansion will put practical learning on a level footing with academic study, an essential step that will help rebalance our economy and spread opportunity throughout our society.

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