Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Government Announced Temporary Changes To COVID Restrictions Over Christmas

The Government is temporarily changing some social contact restrictions for a short period of time to allow people to meet over the Christmas period.

From 23rd December – 27th December you can form an exclusive ‘Christmas bubble’ composed of people from no more than three households.


∙ you can only be in one Christmas bubble

∙ you cannot change your Christmas bubble

∙ your Christmas bubble should not include people from more than three households

Right now - in the lead-up to 23 December and forming our Christmas bubbles – we should reduce unnecessary contact with people we do not live with as much as possible.

A fixed bubble is a sensible and proportionate way to balance the desire to spend time with others over the Christmas period, while limiting the risk of spreading infection.

People should bear in mind that the more people you see, the more likely it is that you will catch or spread coronavirus (COVID-19) - therefore, these risks should be considered carefully before agreeing to form a bubble. Forming a bubble if you are vulnerable or clinically extremely vulnerable carries additional risks.

Ideally, you should consider ways to celebrate Christmas in other ways, such as the use of technology and meeting outdoors, without bringing households together or travelling between different parts of the country.

The most important thing is that you should continue to take steps to reduce the spread of the virus, and this will help ensure that the festive period is as safe as possible. This includes ensuring indoor spaces get as much fresh air as possible, washing your hands regularly and for 20 seconds, and following rules on self-isolation if you develop symptoms or test positive for coronavirus. You should get a free NHS test if you have symptoms, have been asked to by your local council or your hospital, or are taking part in a government pilot project.

More details can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/making-a-christmas-bubble-with-friends-and-family/making-a-christmas-bubble-with-friends-and-family

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