Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Government Announces Ambitious Target To Cut Emissions

The Government has announced ambitious new targets for reducing greenhouse gasses, which would see the UK reducing emissions faster than any other major economy.

The Prime Minister has today announced a new ambitious target to reduce the UK’s emissions by at least 68% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels.

Today’s announcement highlights the UK’s willingness to be a world leader in tackling climate change as it leaves the EU. Already the UK has cut carbon emissions by more than any similar developed country, and was the first major economy to legislate for net-zero emissions by 2050.

To support the work the Government has launched its plans for a green industrial revolution as we begin the COVID recovery – which will not only help the environment, but also has the potential to create and support 250,000 British jobs by 2030.

The ten-point plan sets out ambitious policies and investment, with the potential to deliver over £40 billion of private investment by 2030, so that we can develop innovative technologies and make significant strides in cutting emissions across energy, transport and buildings. It also provides a roadmap of further action the UK will be taking to reduce emissions in the coming decades, encouraging similar levels of ambition from businesses, organisations and nations around the world.

Justin Tomlinson said: “I very much welcome this bold new target to cut emissions, the UK really is leading the way when it comes to protecting the environment. I am very proud of the Government’s record on protecting the environment, which also includes taking significant measures to protect our oceans.”

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