Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Government Sets Out Road Map For Easing Restrictions

From 8 March, some of the rules on what you can and cannot do will be changing:

You will be allowed to spend time in outdoor public spaces for recreation on your own, with one other person, or with your household or support bubble. This means you can sit down for a drink or picnic. You must continue to maintain social distance from those outside your household. This is in addition to outdoor exercise, which is already permitted.

Pupils and students in all schools and Further Education settings will be able to return to face-to-face education.

Wraparound childcare can reopen and other children’s activities can restart for all children where it is needed to enable parents to work, attend education, seek medical care or attend a support group. Vulnerable children can attend childcare and other children’s activities in all circumstances.

Students on practical Higher Education courses at English universities who have not already returned and would be unable to complete their courses if they did not return to take part in practical teaching, access specialist facilities or complete assessments will be able to return.

The Government has also detailed a further three stages of easing restrictions, with Step Two beginning no earlier than 12th April – please see the attached graphics for details.

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