Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

GP Hub Update - 12 December

I have already contacted IMH re. the expected call times for December.

I have also asked for the figures in terms of the number of call handlers throughout the day, as it seems that the response times in the morning are now often better than they are in the afternoon. We have pushed for more call handlers before and they delivered, so I am happy to do so again if the call lengths are beyond reasonable expectations.

To be fair, the waiting times in December are always busy (and were so under the old system) which is a reflection of the busiest time of year for GP surgeries.

However I have asked the question and will continue to scrutinise and apply pressure if it transpires that more call handlers are needed in addition to the extra ones they have already hired.

Please also see my recent update which covers the issue, including on December appointments: http://www.justintomlinson.com/news/4339-north-swindon-gp-hub-update-29th-november.

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