Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Highworth Artists’ Society Gets Ringing Endorsement from Local MP

An art piece by local Highworth resident Rebecca Hartley was narrowly chosen as the best among great competition by local MP and Minister Justin Tomlinson on a visit to Highworth Artists’ Society.

Justin and his wife Kate visited the Society’s display in the Highworth Town Council offices and were impressed by the high standard of artwork on display, which ranged from acrylic designs to watercolour. All of the pieces were of a high standard and it was difficult for the North Swindon MP to pick a favourite; eventually settling on Rebecca’s piece. 

The Society has been running since 1969 and is now so popular it has a waiting list for local artists wanting to join, however they are always encouraging of new members.

They run workshops every Tuesday at the Town Council offices for both professional & amateur artists, and their members get an opportunity to display their work at bi-annual exhibitions. Having championed the the talent that is on display in his constituency, Justin did not waste time in praising the work of the local artists and remarked that he will be on the lookout for their work in future exhibitions.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “The Artists’ Society has been showcasing the fantastic work of local artists in Highworth for 50 years. They run workshops every Tuesday at the town council offices for both professional & amateur artists, and their members get an opportunity to display their work at bi-annual exhibitions. I would encourage anyone with an interest or passion for art to get involved.”

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