Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Honda Taskforce Update

Justin Tomlinson MP today joined representatives from the local business community, Forward Swindon, the local Job Centre, Honda and Swindon College for the third Honda Task Force meeting to discuss the support available to those affected by the recent redundancy announcement at Honda.

Today’s meeting focused on the support already in place and the plans for the future as the redundancy date approaches.

All of the Honda staff affected, agreeing to take voluntary redundancy, have had access to CV workshops, self-employment advice and one to one employment advice organised by the Task Force.  The uptake of this has been good and the feedback from the Associates very positive.  Many have already got work lined up and a quarter are expected to start their own businesses, which is extremely encouraging. 

Looking forward for those still looking and also those facing redundancy without firm alternatives in place, the Task Force have organised a comprehensive jobs fair taking place at the end of the month.  The fair has attracted an impressive range of employers, all of whom have got vacancies to offer and are keen to employ Honda workers.  This fair is also being opened up to those in the supply chain who have too have lost their jobs. 

Swindon College have organised a number of courses that take the skills and learning programmes that the Associates have learned at Honda, and transferring them into industry recognised qualifications which will be a real boost to CVs.  This formalising and recognising the fantastic tangible skills of the Associates is a crucial element to helping them find new, appropriate work.

It is a great credit to all those supporting the taskforce and Honda itself that the Associates are getting the individual, one to one support which is already helping so many to get new jobs, or start their own businesses.  This is essential for them and for the wider local economy.

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