Robert Buckland MP (South Swindon) & Justin Tomlinson MP (North Swindon)
secured an adjournment debate on 'Development in Swindon'
Development is a major issue for fellow Swindon resident's as the former Labour Government had planned an additional 37,000 houses for Swindon to be delivered over the next 16 years.
Robert Buckland MP focused on the need to scrap Labour's 37,000 target and allow Swindon Borough Council and local residents to determine future local housing targets.
Justin Tomlinson MP focused on the need to improve the quality of new developments, in particular delivering additional open space, larger garden, greater parking provisions and making developers pay a Bond, so that if they fail to maintain an area prior to the adoption, then Swindon Borough Council can step in and carry out the work, deducting the cost from the Bond.
To see the full text of the debate please click here: They Work For You
To see the video of the debate please click here: BBC Parliament TV (7 hours 27 minutes in)