Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Backs Swindon's High Street Businesses

Justin Tomlinson MP joined local businessman, Leslie Hatcher, to discuss Swindon’s town centre regeneration and the Government’s record on small business as part of Channel 4’s “Pop-up News”.

As part of its new “Pop-up News” feature, Channel 4 visited Swindon to see how the town is recovering after the economic downturn and what the future has in store for local residents. Justin, a former local business owner himself, highlighted that the High Street was still an integral part of any town’s economy and that Swindon is no exception. Swindon is currently enjoying more than £150million of investment in its High Street and retail regeneration project and the town is already seeing the benefit, with figures showing footfall in the town is up by nearly 10%.

Channel 4 News presenter, Cathy Newman, questioned whether enough was being done to support businesses and both Justin and Leslie pointed to the doubling of the small-business rate relief as the standout way in which the Government is getting cash back into business owners’ pockets. Justin also encouraged local authorities nationwide to go further and reform out of date business rates to assist local business owners who are leading the charge in rebuilding the economy.

Following the debate, Justin Tomlinson MP said: “The High Street is an integral part of any town’s economy and Swindon is no exception. The town is enjoying a major re-development programme with over £150million being spent on projects including Regent Circus and the Oasis Leisure Centre. Things are improving for our retailers, who are providing the jobs and growth that are driving the recovery. Footfall is up around 10%, but we need to go further. Changes to business rates would allow businesses across Swindon to reach a wider audience, growing the town even more”.

To watch Justin's appearance on Channel 4 News, click here

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