Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Becomes Small Business Ambassador

North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson, has been appointed a Small Business Ambassador for the Conservative Party, working with Matthew Hancock MP, Skills Minister and Karren Brady who recently agreed to become a Conservative Party Small Business Ambassador.

Prior to being elected to Parliament Justin ran his own business, TB Marketing, in Swindon for 10 years.

Justin is a champion of Young Entrepreneurs.  Promoting the opportunities available through his own Entrepreneur challenge in Swindon, providing a real-life path for the next generation of wealth creators.  As the Chair of All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Financial Education for Young People, he was able to successfully secure financial education into the national curriculum an essential building block for potential young entrepreneurs. 

Justin also works to promote women in business, hosting events with organisations such as Encouraging Women Into Franchising (EWIF).

In addition he is the Vice-Chair of the APPGs for Retail and Town Centres, promoting the opportunities of retail business. In Swindon, Justin regularly visits local businesses and organise business forums drawing on the experience of Swindon’s entrepreneurs. 

The role will involve:

  • Acting as an Ambassador to businesses and stakeholders on what the Government has done to support small businesses
  • Campaigning with small businesses, reaching out beyond Swindon to Regional CBI’s, LEPs, Chambers of Commerce and other organisations
  • Working with local business organisations to communicate policies on small business
  • Holding monthly business events and building up a database of business supporters across the region
  • Helping to organise central initiatives, such as Small Business Saturdays, and local initiatives alongside Parliamentary colleagues

Matthew Hancock MP, Skills Minister, said: "Small businesses are vital to our economy and our economic recovery.  Across our country nearly five million small businesses provide 60% of the country’s private sector jobs and account for half of all private sector turnover.  It is absolutely vital that we continue to build on our work to help small businesses, and make sure that businesses are aware of our progress and the support that is available.  Justin will bring a wealth of business experience and enthusiasm to the role, rightly championing the importance of small businesses right across the UK".

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "I am very proud to have been offered this opportunity.  Having run my own business I understand first-hand their importance to the local economy, creating jobs and growth.  I am determined to use this role to support, help and champion local businesses.  Right here in Swindon we have seen the fastest growth of start-up businesses in the South-West, leading our way in rebalancing our economy and building long, sustainable growth".

Watch Justin Tomlinson's Swindon Young Entrepreneurs challenge: www.youtube.com/watch?v=VV1PC0gle8M 

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