Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Calls On Planning Committee To Reject UKB's 4G Mast Applications

I am completely opposed to the 4G scheme which is being brought forward by UK Broadband. I would like to see the contract cancelled and the money re-allocated to fibre.

There are several reasons why this scheme is wrong and will undoubtedly fail; something which I have raised with Swindon Borough Council countless times over the past 9 months.

However tonight is purely about rejecting the inappropriate locations of the 50ft masts. Should this scheme proceed; regardless of the will of residents, councillors and myself; then the masts need to move to more appropriate locations.

There is one main reason to refuse this prior approval. That is that the masts are inappropriately sited owing to the size and scale of the masts, the proximity of both local schools and local children’s play areas, as well as the removal of vital green and open space.

As an MP, I have always fought for local people to have their say on local planning. This is why the Government introduced Local Plans across the country - so that local authorities could consult with residents and approve a plan for development that works for the entire community.

Building these masts in these locations would completely undermine the aims and objectives laid out in Swindon Borough Council’s Local Plan – something which this Planning Committee worked hard to gain cross-party approval for and which is leading the way as a shining example for local authorities across the country.

Planning applications have to abide by policies outlined in the Local Plan, that way they have the support of the local community. This prior approval does not stick to certain policies within the local plan and therefore does not meet the development requirements approved by the local community.

So whilst I am 100% opposed to the outdated 4G scheme, as I believe North Swindon residents deserve nothing less than Fibre; I would urge the committee to consider the prior approvals in front of them and reject them on the basis that they fly in the face of this Committee’s Local Plan. I would urge members not to undermine a plan which has been championed in Parliament and more importantly, has been endorsed by the local community.

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