Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Celebrates Success Of Bake Clubs In Supporting Vital Cancer Research

Justin Tomlinson MP joined the charity, Children with Cancer, at the launch of their Parliamentary Bake Club.

Around 2,400 children and teenagers are diagnosed with cancer every year in the UK. 'Children with Cancer' aims to determine the causes, find cures and provide care for children with cancer.  Research, improved treatments and support for children with cancer and their families have never been more necessary. In that context, our small team is united by the common goal to save and improve young lives.

During the event Justin met with 10 year-old Tara McCarthy and her mother Zazie. Tara was diagnosed with leukaemia when she was just two years old and fought the disease with huge courage.  Last year Tara achieved her five year remission. Thanks to scientific research, today she is a happy and healthy child with a bright future ahead. Bake Clubs run special bake sales across the country in order to support the work of cancer charities.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "I am pleased to be able to support the vital work of Children with Cancer. It is great news that more and more people with cancer now surviving but their is still more to do and events such as this help to highlight the need to continue our support into research."

Mary Foulkes, Chief Executive of Children with Cancer UK, said: "I'd like to thank Justin for his continued support. In recent years we have seen survival rates for cancer patients increase and further research will only help to improve this."

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