Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Celebrates Success Of NCS

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has rounded off another summer of support the National Citizen Service programme by presenting awards to young people at a celebration event at MECA.

National Citizen Service is summer scheme for young people between the ages of 14 & 17, that offers lessons in developing essential life skills; working to encourage links between young people from all different backgrounds, and the communities they come from.

Since 2011, nearly 300,000 young people have benefitted from the opportunity including thousands in Swindon.

Justin presented awards to NCS participants who had contributed to their community and raised money for charity.

There are many benefits to participating in the National Citizen Service; 70% of the young people taking part felt more confident about getting a job and 80% felt more positively about people from different backgrounds. The scheme also left them more articulate and grounded, as well as feeling more able to have an impact on the world around them.

Throughout his time as MP for North Swindon, Justin has visited a number of NCS groups, as well as championing their impact on the local community in Parliament.

Over the summer, he has visited local NCS participants from New College and the Rainbow Trust who have worked on projects to raise money for charity and make a tangible difference to their community.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “I was delighted to present awards to those who have taken part in NCS this summer. NCS is a fantastic initiative which gives young people opportunities to develop new skills and grow in confidence. I am a huge supporter of NCS and this ceremony was the culmination of another successful summer.”

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