Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Celebrates With New College Students As They Complete National Citizen Service

Justin Tomlinson MP was on duty to hand out certificates to students of New College Swindon who had completed their National Citizen Service.

The National Citizen Service (NCS) is a Government funded programme which offers a three week course to 16 & 17 year olds who are seeking to develop their skills. The programme consists of a range of activities including outdoor sports, drama and music. Students also get the opportunity to create a community project which urges them to get involved and help a local charity or organisation that seeks to help the lives of others in the community.

Hundreds of students from the town have benefitted from the scheme and the Prime Minister has announced that a future Conservative government will guarantee every young a place on every teenager in the country.

Justin Tomlinson MP said "National Citizen Service is a fantastic opportunity for young people to improve their employability by gaining confidence, skills and experience. Whilst the job market is still competitive, the NCS will give students more of an advantage when applying for jobs. I am pleased that the Government is increasing its funding for the NCS, with its ambitious aim to have all 16 & 17 years taking part and our pledge to expand this even further!"

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