Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Cuts The Ribbon On Torin-Sifan's New £2 Million Centre

Torin-Sifan, a leading producer of energy efficient fan technology, has celebrated the opening of its new EC Manufacturing & Technology Centre at Pagoda Park in Swindon. To mark the occasion Justin Tomlinson, MP for North Swindon, and the Mayor of Swindon, Councillor Teresa Page, officially opened the building by cutting the ribbon at Torin-Sifan’s ‘Investing in British Manufacturing’ launch event.

Flying the flag for British manufacturing, the new facility is set to become a centre of excellence for the production of highly efficient EC (electronically commutated) motor, fan and blower products. This will continue Torin-Sifan’s British leadership in the field of cutting edge air movement technology.

Torin-Sifan has invested in excess of £2 million in its new EC Manufacturing & Technology Centre. The 25,000 sq. ft. facility houses purpose designed production lines, a sales and marketing suite, and staff welfare area, incorporating outside seating overlooking the Western Flyer cycle path. The new building will enable an expansion programme focussed on delivering energy efficient, quiet and controllable air movement solutions for clients all over the world and has created 25 new jobs in EC product development, applications engineering and manufacturing.

EC technology is highly efficient and offers significant energy savings when compared to traditional AC technology. Sustainability is an important consideration at Torin-Sifan and the carbon savings that are offered by EC technology are achieved through both better efficiency and longer product life.

Torin-Sifan’s expansion with the opening of the EC Manufacturing & Technology Centre follows five decades of manufacturing in Swindon with the new facility allowing the company to increase EC production by over 20%, whilst continuing with the manufacture of its traditional product ranges at its existing Greenbridge HQ. With more than 50 years as a leading producer of the latest fan technology, Torin-Sifan continues to set the standard in motor, fan and blower products.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “I am delighted that Torin-Sifan, a leader in the field of manufacturing and technology, has taken the decision to further invest in Swindon, a real boost for our local economy. This is yet another example of Swindon powering head, as world-class companies such as Torin-Sifan choose Swindon to create jobs and teach fantastic skills. Unemployment is down by 63% since 2010, and our town is increasingly becoming a destination to do business and base industries. As a result we are seeing the development of a highly-skilled and diverse work force, which is securing our town’s future prosperity.”

Neil Sproston, Managing Director of Torin-Sifan said: “As we celebrate 50 years of British manufacturing and innovation, we are delighted to open a world class manufacturing centre here in Swindon. To be able to create 25 new jobs in this economic climate is great news for the company and for the local community. This expansion of our manufacturing capabilities means we are even better able to offer our global customer base cutting edge air movement technology and improved facilities will benefit both customers and staff. To be able to manufacture successfully in the UK is testament to the quality of our products and to the skills base here.”

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