Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Gets A Sneak Peek Tour Of The New Great Western Academy

With the doors of the Great Western Academy opening to students next month, North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson got the opportunity to get a sneak peak of the new building ahead of the new academic year.

The £21 million new school was announced in March 2015 after a long campaign by Justin and is set to open in the Tadpole Garden Village area of town next month.

Justin actively lobbied Ministers to ensure that secondary school places in North Swindon kept pace with growing demand, and worked to ensure that this new state-of-the-art facility was built in a location where students would be able to access the site easily.

Last week Justin got the opportunity to have a tour of the building and see for himself the facilities on offer.

The North Swindon MP has been very involved throughout the build of the school, taking part in breaking ground on the project, as well as attaching the final beam during the topping out ceremony. His community office also held several drop-in session for perspective students at his community office.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “The Great Western Academy is something Swindon can be really proud about, it’s a real showcase for the town. I have actively lobbied to secure this new school and I am delighted it is just a few weeks from opening. I've been involved at every stage of the project; in January 2017 I broke ground on the building project, and it has been incredible to see it turn from an empty field into the finished article. It is very exciting that the first batch of pupils will be starting in just a few weeks time.” 

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